Editorial Board

The Editorial Board is the official opinion of the Georgetown Voice. Its current composition can be found on the masthead. The Board strives to publish critical analyses of events at both Georgetown and in the wider D.C. community. We welcome everyone from all backgrounds and experience levels to join us!


Keep holidays exam-free

If you were a Jew who had a test scheduled last Friday, what could you do? What if you are a Muslim with a midterm on the first night of Ramadan?


University must let kegs stand

All things considered, it appears the Disciplinary Review Committee may have been drinking heavily when it recommended that the University place a campus-wide ban on kegs.


Trojan breaks (news about sexual health)

Sex happens—even at Georgetown, contrary to what the University’s glaring lack of sexual health services might lead you to to believe.


Bring democracy to Gaston

It’s a frustrating and all-too-common experience at Georgetown. You check your e-mail to find that a world-famous dignitary will be speaking in Gaston Hall, and you have the opportunity to... Read more


Campus ain’t no place for street fightin’ men

In the wake of the increasing trend of violence occurring in and around campus, there must be a reevaluation of security administration and Department of Public Safety officer protocol. After... Read more


The Funny Third: Hooray for alcohol

Arriving at Georgetown as a freshman is incredibly hectic. That’s why you should drink as much as possible. After all, what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger. And if... Read more


You can’t spell rancor without ANC

It seems that Georgetown residents would rather see their young neighbors dead than with red cups in hand. They have rallied for an increase in the number of Quality of... Read more


A flood of opportunities

With the one-year anniversary of Katrina having come and gone, it is easy to find commemorative photo galleries and speeches urging us to remember the disaster. If you go to... Read more


Don’t neuter the net

The Internet is not a dump truck—it’s a series of tubes. At least, that’s how Senator Ted Stevens (R-AL) explained it this summer. While Stevens may have the technical expertise... Read more


Hoyas sell out to The (fresh)Man

Picture thousands of young people, all scrambling for a few golden tickets that will give them admission to the most fabulous spectacle in town, only to be shut out when the tickets are given to the kids who deserve them the least. You’re probably thinking of the wrong round orange objects—we’re talking basketballs, not Oompa-Loompa’s, and the most fabulous spectacle in this town doesn’t reside in Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory, but rather the Verizon Center.