“Degas to Diebenkorn: The Phillips Collects,” is a monument to the many-headed beast that is Modern art. The exhibit, which is open until May 25th at the Phillips Collection, is a stunning tour through the museum’s acquisitions from the past decade. The incredible variety of media, movements and artists seems daunting at first, but the entire experience has an unexpected cohesion and leaves the visitor with a better understanding of Modern art.
By Katherine Norton March 27, 2008
New life is in the air. Flowers are starting to pop up all around campus, baby animals are being born and bodies are beginning to litter the lawns around midday. Now that spring is upon us, it’s finally time to get crazy with daring cuts and diaphanous fabrics without the risk of freezing to death or having to wade through snow banks (although wading in spring mud can sometimes be a worse fate). But as fun as all the new stuff is, one of my favorite things about any new season is the chance to perfect and streamline the trends of the year before.
By Katherine Norton March 27, 2008
The Shakespeare Theatre Company’s production of “Major Barbara” is an incredibly crisp, engaging example of what the greater Washington D.C. theatre scene has to offer. Director Ethan McSweeny’s interpretation stays true to George Bernard Shaw’s impeccable original text and conveys the author’s pertinent social commentary and finely-tuned wit.
By Katherine Norton February 28, 2008
I thought Amy Adams looked absolutely magnificent on Oscar night. She had the whole vampy Jessica Rabbit thing going on while maintaining the poise and grace of one of Hollywood’s early leading ladies. But Kimora Lee Simmons, who was playing fashion critic for E!, disagreed.
By Katherine Norton February 28, 2008
When it comes to dressing up for the holidays, Valentine’s Day is notoriously short-changed. We get to wear pretty hats for Easter and little black dresses for New Years, but the idea of dressing up for Valentine’s Day seems, to many, a decidedly tacky thing to do. Mention anything about a Valentine’s Day outfit, and two visions come to mind: the middle-aged elementary school teacher in a voluminous cardigan covered in sequin hearts, and her polar opposite, the lingerie model in a trashy see-through teddy and crotchless panties. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
By Katherine Norton February 14, 2008
If you love Mother Earth, good food, animals and being a human, please don’t become a vegan. While adherents to vegetarianism’s extreme cousin claim that their lifestyle, which completely eliminates the consumption of animal products, springs from a concern for animal rights and the environment, a close look at vegan practices reveals them to be largely ineffective in terms of their stated goals. A simple awareness of the benefits of locally-grown and organic food and a dedication to small lifestyle changes is much more beneficial to the earth we all love so dearly.
By Katherine Norton January 31, 2008
It’s not my job to tell you what’s new and hot. Figuring out what everyone is wearing is as easy as looking around in class or watching people in Red Square. It doesn’t take a dedicated Vogue reader to know that neutrals are in and that classic shapes are making a slightly-better-fitting comeback. The more interesting question is finding out where these trends have their genesis. Why am I drawn to toggle coats and tiny pleats? Luckily for you, I’ve done some sleuth work, and have come up with a provocative new theory about why we dress the way we do: children’s books.
By Katherine Norton January 31, 2008
It’s January. In January, wearing a sundress when the thermometer hits sixty degrees is the fashion equivalent of wetting your pants with excitement: overzealous, and (eventually) uncomfortably cold.
By Katherine Norton January 17, 2008