Mary Katherine Stump


Spring Fashion ’07

Oh the pleasures of womanhood!

Girls, it’s the anxiously awaited season! Time to tan your legs and brush the mothballs off that most important of seasonal rights—the spring dress. If you don’t have one, or you’re sick of your old one, or two or three or seven, we at the Voice recommend several Georgetown boutiques that you should visit.


Art for your dog: the Pet Gallery

Deep in the back of the Pet Gallery, a one-room pet store on O and Wisconsin, a voluptuous Italian woman with pale blue eye shadow and a thick accent pulled me aside. “In Italy, we like dog but we don’t dress them up like dees!” she said, gesturing towards the store’s merchandise, a look of confusion on her face. “Here, they are too pre-ppy.”


Fall Fashion ’06: no frills fall

Another fall arrives, the season when girls shed their “hips don’t lie” attitudes and wardrobes, to don the more tailored designs of crisper weather. This season, we recommend pinning up the likes of Katherine Hepburn on your wall. Or for a more feminine approach, order Rosemary’s Baby on Netflix. We’ve got both looks on display in this issue, and some in between, all inspired by fashions of the past.


G’town warehouse hosts film fest

LEISURE BY CHRIS NORTON AND MARY KATHERINE STUMP An non-air-conditioned warehouse with exposed plumbing isn’t the ideal location to hold a film festival. But with the south of France already taken, this warehouse, situated next to Blues Alley, was the next logical choice.