Noreen Malone


Livin’ in an Amish Paradise

Carrying On: a rotating column by Voice senior staffers


Seeing is a vision of an election gone awry

What if political apathy reached such great heights that no one cared enough to actually vote for a candidate? Seeing, Nobel Prize Laureate Jose Saramago’s ambitious follow-up to his 1995 novel Blindness, attempts to answer this question.


Are internships worth it?

Your job, your future: Keeping your fingers crossed

If you stopped a random sample of Georgetown students in Red Square and asked them about their employment plans for the summer, chances are that very few would respond by excitedly telling you about their full-time waitressing gig at Applebee’s or nannying job for the next-door-neighbors. Instead, you’d be peppered with a mélange of decidedly impressive sounding employers—think tanks, senators, Wall Street firms, NGOs, major publishing houses. Not only have these internships replaced the traditional summer job, they have become de rigeur for many Georgetown students during the academic year as well.


Imagining Ireland from America

Sparkly green wigs, belligerent drunkenness, “Kiss me, I’m Irish” pins everywhere—it couldn’t be any day other than St. Patrick’s, when everyone is Irish.