Suzy Chen


Nanking: documenting “the forgotten Holocaust” in China

Nanking sheds light on this forgotten event in history, but this is not to say that it explains the underlying reasons for the massacre. It is a testament to the strength of the film that viewers are left wondering how teenagers buy into a mentality so perverse that it permits rape of twelve-year-old girls for sport, how officers can place bets on how many people their swords can cut down, or how a small group of noble men and women can still feel like failures after saving tens of thousands of people. The film contains equal parts human depravity and human courage, and manages to show how intricately the two are linked.


On playing the game and being played

Last week, my life was fantastic. I had just moved into one of Georgetown’s finest townhouses. I was finishing all of my work and getting plenty of sleep every night. Sure, it was only the first full week of the semester, but I was still feeling pretty accomplished.


She’s all that… jazz

Crandall hopes to introduce new music to her peers. “The two artists I admire most are Ellen Fitzgerald and Sara Vaughan,” she said. “Too often, I hear that jazz is for old people. I want to enlarge that age range. There are so many styles and ways you can approach [jazz] that I hope [people our age] will open up to it.”