Tim Fernholz


Crossing Over: adventures at the Syrian border

Carrying On: A rotating column by Voice senior staffers


The shock of it all: study abroad myths dispelled

Carrying On: a rotating column by Voice senior staffers.


Props to the Pope, please

Carrying On: A rotating column by Voice senior staffers


The New Urbanist flava

Carrying On: a rotating column by Voice senior staffers


Building the case against tact

Carrying On – a rotating column by voice senior staffers


Two Identities, Two Challenges

The faith and culture of Islam at Georgetown

Georgetown’s Muslim Chaplain, Imam Yahya Hendi, flourished his palm pilot, tapping away with a stylus. In his office, decorated with woven verses from the Qur’an and Muslim calligraphic art, the electric device seemed out of place while he discussed Islam’s relationship with the West. But soon tiny print appeared on the screen: the palm pilot contained the entirety of the Qu’ran and the Bible, completely indexed. Its tiny speakers even produce recitations of holy verse.


Just reward

Union Jack – bi-weekly column on national news and politics


Why don’t we know Jack? Finding the figurehead

How much time do students spend discussing campus issues with the University’s chief executive in the intervening four years?


Giving it the new college try

I caught March Madness last week and didn’t even know it.


Union Leader

Union Jack – bi-weekly column on national news and politics