
A deep dive into the most important issues on campus.


For Those About to ROCK, We Salute You

Musicians prepare to go on stage to benefit D.C. Schools after weeks of intense preparation.


A Stage Presence

Studio Theater renovation provides a unique space to attract both performers and their fans.


Take Heart

While some consider hooking up a new and shocking trend, others argue against both.


No Money, Mo’ Problems

Georgetown has spent several decades building a reputation. Does it have enough funding to keep its big name?


Crimes and Misdemeanors

Georgetown has experienced a rash of crime over the last few months. Is this indicative of a broader trend?


New worries for study abroad

Past study abroad students ponder the quality of their experience, and future travelers wonder if the new costs are worth it.


Best of 2004: Movies and Music

The Voice Leisure Staff Indulges Itself


Third Annual Voice Short Story Competition

Grand Prize Winner – “His Angels Close To Hand”


The making of Boxers and Ballerinas

Georgetown graduates Brit Marling and Mike Cahill directed Boxers & Ballerinas, a documentary about Cuban youth in both Cuba and Miami. Along with the film’s producer, Nick Shumaker, also a Georgetown alum, they gambled on an evolving idea that took them, over the course of two years, to a marketable, full-length documentary.


Feelin’ Blue featuring Deborah Tannen, Mark Lance, Dan Porterfield and others

A week after the re-election of George W. Bush, members of the Georgetown community are feeling as blue as ever. Professors and students tackle the questions of what went wrong and what should happen in the future.


Finding Common Ground

The four-block radius in which Friedman lives-between Prospect and O streets and 33rd and 35th streets-has epitomized University-resident relations in the past year.


Are you racing? The Voice goes drag!

Two Voice staffers get spiked.


The story behind Daniel Rigby’s life and death, and what’s happening to off-campus life

The story of what happened last weekend and how it has effected all students living off-campus


Remembering Rigby …

No matter how Daniel Rigby spent the first part of his weekend, on certain Sunday mornings he woke early to help build houses for the homeless.


The Medical Center is still struggling. Why should you care?

Due to Georgetown University medical center’s continuing losses, $28 million will go down the drain this fiscal year.


Georgetown Cribs

Hey you, not everyone’s idea of style is the John Belushi COLLEGE poster.


National Museum of the American Indian enriches America’s view of the past

Two Voice writers take on the new National Museum of the American Indian


Getting it online

It’s a tangled web we weave.


How one student changed Georgetown’s sexual assault policy

Kate Dieringer (NUR ‘05) makes an unlikely warrior, but that is exactly what she has had to become since her arrival at Georgetown three years ago.


Black Cat: A changing club with a changing scene in a changing city

In daylight, the corrugated steel shutters of 1811 14th Street NW are as unassuming as any closed-for-business city storefront or locked-down warehouse. The only feature setting the building slightly apart is the plainly-lettered black and white sign hanging above the main entrance that reads BLACK CAT.