
A deep dive into the most important issues on campus.


Taste goes out the window

The dismembered hand flew through the air and struck my date in the face. The leather-and-lingerie-clad woman who had flung it, demonstrating remarkable power considering she was using her teeth, bared her choppers to the crowd and gave one last howl before finishing Bill, her meal. Laughter erupted, fake blood spurted, someone quickly flashed the audience, and the lights went down.


In the anti-war movement is only one A.N.S.W.E.R. right?

Though the debate over numbers may prevent ANSWER from getting the credit it feels it deserves for organizing what may have been among the largest protests ever in Washington, its increasing success in attracting “real” Americans to protests has raised serious questions in the media and activist communities surrounding ANSWER’s role as the current leader of the anti-war movement. The group is at the center of a growing controversy surrounding the anti-war movement, how it should be run and just who ought to be running it.


On the Road to the Supreme Court

You have 30 minutes to present the most important argument of your life. You try to keep your carefully constructed thoughts in order, but you cannot stop the barrage of questions from the top nine legal minds in the country. You have never argued in a court like this before.


Spring Break 2003

It’s that time of the year. No, not November-guess again. It’s time to make your airline reservations and then go stand in line at the airport, because by the time you’re done getting cavity searched in the name of airline security and cleared for takeoff, Spring Break 2003 will be nigh upon us. We at the Voice have come up with some destinations well worth visiting this March-all in the continental United States.


The Top Tens

The Top Ten Films of 2002

Repetition was the theme in many of 2002’s films, with few original ideas surfacing amidst the numerous studio remakes of past hits (Insomnia, Ring, Solaris), a slew of crappy sequels to films that were crappy to begin with (Analyze That, Harry Potter) and too many insightful and touching four hour musicals about exploitive British colonialism in 19th century India (Lagaan, Extreme Ops).


I Go Walking After Midnight

At the moment he knows three things. He knows his watch reads 3:08 a.m., he knows he’s walking, and he knows it’s cold. Jesus it’s cold. That’s for sure. Nothing could be as certain as that right now …

He knows of lots of other stuff. He knows of his name, for example.



They’re torching bums in Brooklyn. That’s what I hear anyway, I haven’t seen it myself. It’s too dangerous to take the subway even if you pay the men at the turnstile for protection, and cabs are no better now that the gangs have started firing on them.


The Blind Man Dance

Take me down, Take me down. Oh won’t you please take me home. The silence in the whorehouse makes itself present again and so I quietly sing aloud. I mimic Axl Rose’s scratch that is repeating in my head, a mental hiccup from earlier when we had entered dark European bars in search of girls who would not understand that we are unimpressive.


Unsung Heroes

Over the past ten years, the men’s and women’s cross country teams have been among the most successful and least recognized programs at Georgetown. Both teams started the season ranked in the top 10 nationally, but have struggled to live up to their expectations this fall.


The future of music is now

A young woman with short, dyed-red hair, dressed stylishly with a hint of thrift-store nonchalance, stands confidently behind the podium among Gaston Hall’s stained-glass-and-oak-paneled grandeur. Names of great thinkers are etched on the wall behind her, and a herd of dark-suited lawyers, powerful businessmen and curious musicians sit in front of her.


Talking to each other

The tensest moments of recent public conflict between student groups involved the politics of the Middle East. Groups such as the Muslim Student Association, the Jewish Student Association, the Young Arab Leadership Alliance and the Georgetown Israel Alliance have been especially active on campus in recent years, staging events, bringing speakers to campus and trying to foster debate or at least raise awareness of what they see as an important issue on a seemingly daily basis.


Do you know what your vote means?

The dispute between students and non-student residents in Georgetown is not a new topic. As bad as tension in the neighborhood may be, it has also served as the catalyst for student involvement in local politics. Since the first students were elected to the Advisory Neighborhood Commission in 1996, students and non-students have worked to reach a consensus on various problems that divide Georgetown and create an “us vs.


Tripping Out

I don’t know about the everyone at Georgetown, but apparently the majority of us are type-A personalities?as evidenced by the chain-smoking, coffee guzzling, stressed-out zombies huddled in hooded sweatshirts, death-gripping their cell phones, outside of Lauinger Library every night.


Finding a Place for Campus Radio

Whether on not you have ever listened to Georgetown University’s Student Radio Station WGTB, it is undeniable that at one point in its history it had a strong presence not only on Georgetown’s campus, but on the entire D.C. area. During a time in the ‘70s the station broadcasted as far as Pennsylvania, Delaware and West Virginia and had over 100,000 listeners.


Going Somewhere?

You’re coming back late from a club, and you just want to get home. Or you’re late for a job interview across town. Maybe you just don’t feel like navigating three different bus routes to get to your destination. Take a cab! But the system is so confusing, you’re worried about how much you’ll have to pay.


Moving Down the Ladder

The statistics indicate that this year’s first-year class has, once again, outdone us. Its members are smarter, more worldly, were busier in high school, logged more hours of community service, scored higher on standardized tests and, from the looks of it, might even be better looking.


Fall Fashion Extravaganza

Here at Voice Fashion, we spend a lot of time researching the Next Big Thing. But when not researching the Next Big Thing, we are making fun of the way some people dress. Why? Because they deserve it. Some Georgetown students have lots of disposable income to dispose on fashion, which therefore makes our campus susceptible to ridiculous fashion mishaps spewed half-gestated from the overtanned heads of Tommy, Ralph and Calvin.


The Corporate University

Georgetown University is a Catholic and Jesuit, student-centered research university … Georgetown educates women and men to be reflective life-long learners, to be responsible and active participants in civic life and to live generously in service to others.


September 11, 2002

Photography by Rob Anderson, Alana Burke, Debbie Hwang and Kazuo Oishi


Georgetown Professors Comment on the World

Your mom called. She asked if you have a Professor Maguire; she saw him on CNN today. While you might remind your mom that there are hundreds of professors at Georgetown, her question is not completely unfounded. With the high number of media appearances Georgetown professors make each week, chances are at some point during your time at Georgetown you will find one your professors quoted in a newspaper or appearing on TV.