It seems diners at Leo’s aren’t the only ones having a hard time finding something to fit their tastes. Architecture in Helsinki trombonist Gus Franklin laments that trying to find gluten-free vegan offerings at the Pennsylvania Interstate IHOP is an equally frustrating venture.
When family man Tom Stall’s uninteresting small town life is upended by an attempted robbery and a group of Philadelphian mobsters, his past, or someone else’s, comes back to haunt him.
For many, the name Andy Warhol instantly brings to mind New York, Marilyn Monroe and Campbell’s soup cans, but but as the recently opened exhibit at the Corcoran gallery demonstrates, his work spanned a much wider range of ideas and emotions.
There’s a certain point during a live show-when the bassist drops his instrument on the stage in front of you, falls down in his beer and starts yelling-when you know whether or not you were made for rock music.
A Baxter is pleasant, nerdy, timid and supremely uninteresting. He is, above all, a wimp. In short, he is not someone you want to watch an entire movie about.
The Cultural Institute of Mexico is a mecca of artistic diplomacy, uniting American and Mexican culture not through politics but through creative expression and community involvement.