
Reviews and think pieces on music, movies, art, and theater.


DangerDoom, The Mouse and the Mask

Critical Voices


Blackalicious, The Craft

Critical Voices


Getting Close-r to the gallery scene

As a person who is fairly ignorant of the D.C. art scene, the Chuck Close exhibit opening at the Adamson Gallery left me much more enlightened than one would expect.


Maher rules you out

When I bought my copy of Bill Maher’s New Rules, the clerk who rang me up assured me that the subject matter was “hysterical, yet poignant.”


Future imperfect

The moment the end credits roll in a Wong Kar Wai film, audience members are momentarily silent. But at the end of 2046, one is left with a sense of aesthetically inspired awe and a consciousness of loss.


Reykjav?k comes to Bethesda

Reykjav?k came to D.C. last Sunday, and they brought their muumuus.


Longing for Schnitzel

You Taste Like A Burger – a biweekly column about eating leisurely


Concert Calendar

Sunday, 9/18 – Wednesday, 9/28


Sex, lies and gardening

The subject matter is all too familiar to us here at Georgetown: a young British couple moves to Africa.


Summer Movie Roundup

Wedding Crashers, The 40 Year-Old Virgin, The Aristocrats, Broken Flowers, and Murderball


Creaming your jeans

Eat My Skort – a biweekly column about fashion


Devendra Banhart, Cripple Crow

Critical Voices


Iron & Wine and Calexico, In the Reins

Critical Voices


Irving Penn imprints the National Gallery

Photography resonates with a larger audience than any other modern artistic medium.


O Show brings first years drama, screaming

First years either greatly enjoyed or were greatly put off by this year’s O Show, the joint theater production by all of the on-campus theater groups for New Student Orientation.


Jean Genies

The key to China’s booming economic growth has been the creation of several free trade zones where industry, and particularly clothing manufacturing, can take root.


Baked trees

You Taste Like A Burger – a rotating column about eating leisurely


War journalism in black and white

War correspondent Joe Sacco uses a very unconventional medium to examine how the effects of war linger after the fighting ends: graphic nonfiction.


Lezhur Ledger: Getting Beat with the Fugly Stick

The definition provided for “fugly” reads: “frightfully ugly; of or pertaining to something beyond the boundaries of normal unattractiveness. Example: “That ‘Kabbalists Do It Better’ trucker hat is fugly.”


Cardiff hijacks your senses on the Mall

Combine that disconnection from reality with the quiet peace of a guided meditation, and you get a rough idea of the sensations delivered by Words drawn in water, a new audio tour of select sites on the National Mall available at the Hirshhorn Museum through Oct. 30.