
Reviews and think pieces on music, movies, art, and theater.


Fun for the ritalin generation:D.C. short film festival

The D.C. Short Film Festival offers 37 films this weekend, ranging “from a 56-second horror film to a 23-minute drama,” festival creator Jon Gann said.


Striking the chords of compromise

“My brother got this dog named Midnight from a drug dealer,” bassist Justin Shuster (CAS ‘05) said, “and renamed it Roger. We put ‘em together.” And thus was born Midnite Roger.


Critical Voices

The Voice reviews Bjork and Kings of Convenience


Better than Marriage: Family Jewels

Your my butterfly, sugar, baby


Maria full of heroin

American director creates moving portrayal of young Colombian woman’s life as a drug mule


Lez’hur Ledger: Scavenger hunt

Voice Lez’hur scavenger hunt: Find the clues, win a child!


National Gallery digs Islamic artifacts

Current exhibit promotes awareness of Islamic culture through chalices, tapestries


O Show brings theater to first-years

O Showtastic!


Better than Marriage: Media in the classroom

Forget PowerPoint presentations. Bring XBox into the classroom.


Two weeks worth of leisure-time activities

Your leisure guide for the next two weeks



(The Georgetown Voice’s Peforming Arts Center Bi-Weekly Update)


Orozco’s reflections of reality

Mexican photographer’s simple images convey complex ideas at the Hirshhorn Museum


“Garden State” better than the Garden State

“Garden State” walks a well-worn path: a long absent, brooding, twenty-something loner returns to his troubled family to make peace with his relatives and, subsequently, himself.


Better than Marriage: Trash Talkin’

One woman, an airplane and a trashy magazine.


The hottest albums you missed over the summer

Sick of Lil’ John’s platinum fronts? Here are seven album recommendations from our music gurus to overcome the doldrums of pop radio.


Lez’her Ledger

D.C. is home to restaurants both good and evil, cheap and pricey, but the problem with being a student is obvious: we can’t quite afford the good, pricey ones.


Galloping through Foxfields

According to its official website, Foxfields is one of the handful of steeplechase horse races sanctioned by the National Steeplechase Association. It is also, according to Georgetown students, “a total shit show,” “a day of drunken debauchery,” and “just a whole lot of beer.



For some inexplicable reason, the likes of 13 Going On 30 or The Alamo may not be enough of a draw for some to venture down to good old Loews of K St. If this is the case, this spring’s crop of D.C. film festivals offers up a huge range of options to sate your cinematic cravings.


The Incomplete Triangle, Lansing-Dreiden, Kemado

The three surfaces of the case for The Incomplete Triangle fold to form an equilateral triangle, and, naturally, the skewed white lines on each surface form a triangle as well. Oh, no-is this another avant-garde, experimental concept album by some art school drop-out? The accompanying biography reads, “Lansing-Dreiden is a company that sees no distinction between art and commerce-or anything else.”


Madvillainy, Madvillain, Stones Throw

Every once and awhile an album comes around that is so highly anticipated that it seems impossible it can live up to the hype. Most of them don’t. But for every 10 or 15 disappointments (see Beck’s Sea Change or Belle & Sebastian’s Fold Your Hands Child …), there emerges one album that delivers on its promise.