
Reviews and think pieces on music, movies, art, and theater.


Throbbing play from Nomadic

Nomadic Theater kicks off its 20th-anniversary season this weekend with Paula Vogel’s Hot ‘N’ Throbbing, a play that explores those oft-equated concepts, sex and violence. Charlene, a single mother, struggles... Read more


Lynch’s Drivedoes it again

To set the scene?Lincoln Plaza Cinema on a perfect New York City Indian summer day. However, instead of enjoying the sun, I am below ground, along with what seems to... Read more


L.I.E.all but banned

L.I.E.received an NC-17 rating because it deals with a taboo topic in our society: pedophilia. This should not frighten anyone into not seeing this superb film with exceptionally good acting.... Read more


Dave Brubeck at D.A.R.

Dave Brubeck was the first jazz musician to appear on the cover of Time magazine. His most famous piece, “Take Five,” is still the most recognizable jazz song ever recorded.... Read more


New Order returns with Get Ready

Dance music is too often given short shrift by contemporary rock writers. Certainly there are no shortage of dance ?zines, but their emphasis has always been on the scene?the clubs,... Read more


Garbage, indeed

I am the first to say that Garbage is one of my favorite bands out there. I was first introduced to that heart-wrenching ”#1 Crush” from the Romeo and Juliet... Read more



Whether you are aware of it or not, D.C. is currently experiencing its annual blessing from on high by the gods of contemporary music. That is, we are and have... Read more


Hollywood taste strikes again

It is striking that nothing is able to approximate the truth and depth of human feeling more than those pursuits we take up during our moments of leisure. Movies, books,... Read more


Tool at MCI Center

If you like Tool, go buy their new album Lateralus.If you like Tool, psychedelic nightmare video screens and contortednaked acrobats, go see a Tool concert. On Friday of last week,... Read more


12 Angry Men a joy

We always think we have the answers. Everyone has an opinion, and inherent in that opinion is the idea that we know best. If only everybody else just understood matters... Read more


Training from Denzel

If you were looking for that sort of on-screen performance that steals your idealism for a couple hours but gives it back to you at the end after the bad... Read more


Madam’s Organ?

I was recently informed that this humble column’s format has expanded, and it is now my purview to ensure not only that you are appraised of upcoming musical experiences, but... Read more


Cheap Dates

A question: Who goes to the movies anymore? Hollywood hasn’t been turning out much in the way of compelling product as of late. Not only that, but as far as... Read more


Roots rock. Blackalicious, not so much.

I dunno. Maybe it was just the acoustics … As an admitted suburban white boy born to liberal parents (admitting you have a problem is the first step towards recovery),... Read more


Lezh’er Ledger

Recent tragic events have resuscitated debate regarding civil liberties in America. Accordingly, many have expressed worry that law enforcement agencies will gain further power to tap phone lines, detain suspects... Read more



Movies can soothe the anguished minds of a people in trouble. After the ‘20s roared by, Americans could pay a quarter to ride on the tails of Fred Astaire or... Read more


Amos’ StrangeNew Album

Sept. 18 was an important day for Tori Amos fans everywhere, as it marked the release of her new album, Strange Little Girls.Debuting as the No. 1 album in the... Read more


12 Angry Mena Joy

We always think we have the answers. Everyone has an opinion, and inherent in that opinion is the idea that we know best. If only everybody else just understood matters... Read more


Trainingfrom Denzel

If you were looking for that sort of on-screen performance that steals your idealism for a couple hours but gives it back to you at the end after the bad... Read more


Madam’s Organ?

I was recently informed that this humble column’s format has expanded, and it is now my purview to ensure not only that you are appraised of upcoming musical experiences, but... Read more