
Reviews and think pieces on music, movies, art, and theater.



I’m Ian, and with my better half, Mike-D, I will be your Cultural Revolutionary for the year. While Mike suggested forays into non-musical forms of expression, I am content, at... Read more


Aaliyah: You will be missed

The death of any public figure resonates throughout the nation via radio, print and television. However, while the media can inform the public as to the tragic loss of someone’s... Read more


Haunted Houses, Hollywood and Heidegger

If I were to walk up to the average Georgetown student, and inquire: “read any decent fiction lately?”—their first response would be a resigned “yeah, right pal, more reading is... Read more


I love you Reggie

On Monday, August 27, Reggie and the Full Effect closed their “Mortgaging the Farm Tour” (their first ever!) with a show at the 930 Club. Hot Rod Circuit, Ultimate Fakebook... Read more


Lezhur Ledger

The Leisure Ledger examines certain oddities that pop up in and around the Georgetown University campus. These peculiarities are most commonly things that would go unnoticed and ignored by the... Read more


The Others smothers the others

There’s this story that Alfred Hitchcock told to French New Wave director Francois Truffaut about the difference between a suspenseful film scene and a surprising one. If an audience were... Read more


Welcome Back …

As this is my first column as a Cultural Revolutionary, I thought I might write something so extraordinary, something so completely different, that it would forever shift this column’s reputation... Read more


Alternatives to D.C. Tourism

You probably visited Smithsonian’s Air and Space when you were 12 years old. And if you ever take an art class, you’ll most certainly stop by the National Gallery?if you... Read more


Radiohead in the right place

Among this year’s high-profile summer tours, none was more anticipated than Radiohead’s voyage across America. Having debuted 2000’s Kid A at number one on the Billboard charts, as well as... Read more


GU creativity thrives at film festival

Last Thursday marked the first annual Georgetown Student Film Festival, hosted by GUTV, the Georgetown University television station. This showcase was viewed by a sold-out crowd in McNeir auditorium and... Read more


Hi, my name is …

The refrain is engrained in the American consciousness by now, to the point where the response is unconscious. “Hi, my name is … ,” the squeaky voice begins, and all... Read more


Shakespeare under the boardwalk

As full of sickly sweet fluff as cotton candy and as vapid as the cashier at Boardwalk Fries, The Shakespeare Theatre’s current production of Two Gentlemen of Verona is about... Read more


Return of the Bewilderbeast

I have always known that in the curious microcosm of indie rock snobbery there is a just less than codified list of groups and individuals that must be on your... Read more


Harper does McDonough

We couldn’t find an icepick to jam in our ears, so we decided to go to a concert in McDonough. Despite the fact that sound quality in the gym is... Read more


Bizzare Ride Continues

Hip-hop was never quite the same after The Pharcyde dropped their 1992 debut Bizarre Ride II: The Pharcyde. The goofy record was honest in its themes; in an era when... Read more


Voice Interview with The (International) Noise Conspiracy

Sweden has long been on the socio-political edge. Yes, from it’s humble beginnings as a second rate European powe, throughout the twentieth century, Sweden has bombarded foreign shores with revisionist... Read more


The Dave Matthews Experience

Note: The following review of the Dave Matthews Band concert in Charlottesville will be written in “Dave-speak,” or the lingua franca of those who follow the band. Yeah, bro, so... Read more


Digweed: raving in Amsterdam

I’d like to start off this piece with a disclaimer: I’m not a big rave or techno fan. I’m from New York City, where plenty of my friends are deeply... Read more


Blaxploitation: the American new wave

The past several years have seen a resurgence of interest in the American blaxploitation films of the 1970s. Spanning from the since-clich?d Shaft to the slapstick comedy of Rudy Ray... Read more


Career ops in club promotion

Walking through campus the other day, I spotted a team of two promoters in the distance, rapidly approaching me. Now, while I can completely understand the functional role that club... Read more