
Reviews and think pieces on music, movies, art, and theater.


Not just your “everyday” band

From the outset you know that Dave Matthews Band is up to something different. The album cover is nouveau and glossy, with Dave himself fronting, well, his band. You play... Read more


Weezer alive and kicking

Ah, Weezer … no Weezer review would be complete without referring to “geek rock.” And Weezer arguably defines “geek rock.” But geeks weren’t the only ones who showed up at... Read more


Fun Facts about the hole

Board members at The Georgetown Voice have been suggesting that we cover “the construction site” for some time. But due to the popularity of the basketball team, we have had... Read more


All work, no play

Despite the existence of an urban center just miles away from campus, students at Georgetown don’t seem to frequent movies, concerts, museums and plays as much as you might expect.... Read more


The Soul of Soulsides

The musical empire destined to alter the course of hip hop music was born in a college radio station somewhere in the middle of Northern California, circa 1992. Davis, California,... Read more


Lez’her Ledger

Is your porn addiction getting in the way of your life? Don’t be ashamed. It happens to everybody. Maybe you started out reading Maxim or Men’s Health. The glistening bodies... Read more


Experimental Noise

Experimental music is a questionable style. In theory it would be where one would find bands doing new things, as opposed to producing pre-formatted records. In reality, the experimental bin... Read more


The Voice Interview with Neil Halsted

The guy behind me in the ticket line pegged me for a journalist at first glance. “What outfit are you with?” he asked, and I, without hesitation, responded, “The Georgetown... Read more


Mr. Tweedy goes to Washington

It seems like such a short time ago that country music was frightfully uncool. The commercialization of Nashville in the early to mid-1990s had left us with country “stars,” people... Read more


Sewervivor: outshit & outlast

I was sitting in my intern “office” one day at DC-101, “the only station that really rocks,” when my eyes met a most repulsive sight. Through the window, I spotted... Read more


The artistic side to Evans

Jack Evans, political animal and focus of this week’s cover story, has wedged himself into the Leisure section via the passage of the “Anti-Graffiti Amendment Act,” which he introduced to... Read more


Lez’her Ledger

The Georgetown Voice would like to thank the Hoya for running a classified ad for www.m4m-dc.com. The site, billed as a gay dating service, would be more accurately titled www.dc-gay-sex-right-now.com.... Read more


Luna Lacking Luster

It’s been a decade now since the acrimonious breakup of Galaxie 500. Since the influential downbeat dronesters split in 1991, its members have continued down similar musical paths in new... Read more


Typical for the Shakespeare

The Shakespeare Theatre has gotten very good at turning out productions like Don Carlos. So good, in fact, that it’s getting difficult to tell them apart. King John’s throne appears... Read more


Best Movie Ever

Last night, I was sitting in my room crying because I had no date on Valentines day for the second consecutive year and I was thinking to myself, “Matt, what... Read more


Clockwork Performance

Maybe it’s the caffeine running through my red, red krovvy, maybe it’s that I just slooshed a tomtick of the ol’Ludwig van or maybe skolliwoll’s giving me a pain in... Read more


The Future?

Got white rappers? To quote the boys at Ego Trip magazine, they are the future. Hopefully it won’t be bleak; judging by the antics of such lightskinned underground favorites R.A.... Read more


You know you want him

I just don’t understand. Or maybe I do, and it really is just trash. Listen: There’s this band named “In and of Itself” and I happened to come by a... Read more


Campaign to bring back the afro

Hair is not given enough credit nowadays. It’s a forgotten legend?it’s there, but no one really notices or cares. In response to this travesty, the Georgetown Voice is starting a... Read more


The pop underground

An energized ghettofied style of American pop flies out of the speakers at 100 decibels. The crowd goes nuts. This isn’t an arena concert; this isn’t the basement of a... Read more