
What’s happening on campus and in D.C.


Who’s got issues?

City on a Hill – bi-weekly column on D.C. news & politics


Students protest aid cuts on Capitol Hill

Over a hundred Georgetown students partipicated in a rally Tuesday on Capitol Hill to protest a bill that threatens to hike some college costs by thousands of dollars.


CCAS called biased

Center accused of being pro-Arab


Homecoming bash gets rowdy

Club incurs $6,500 in damages after students go wild.


Wisey’s Jr.

After more than five decades as a unique Georgetown favorite, Wisemiller’s Grocery and Deli is opening a second store.


Performing Arts Center to open

After months of construction, Georgetown’s new peforming arts center will open its doors next week.


New wheels for GERMS

Georgetown’s ailing ambulance fleet received a much-needed new edition when Unit Eight, a brand-new Type III ambulance, arrived on campus Sunday night.


Homeless Hoyas?

Saxa Politica – bi-weekly analysis of on-campus news


Direct Quote

Alice H. Lichtenstein


GU networks crash

Power outage interrupts e-mail


Loans cut by $14.5 billion

Students from Georgetown and across the nation turned out to oppose reform to higher education legislation at the House of Representative’s Committee of Education and the Workforce session on Wednesday.


Students easy targets, MPD says

Administrators stressed student responsibility for safety while students questioned the effectiveness of university security at a town hall meeting Tuesday night.


Loyola to re-open in Jan.

Loyola University of New Orleans will reopen for the spring semester, Loyola President Fr. Kevin Wildes told a gathering of Loyola alumni, students, faculty and parents Wednesday evening.


Short on flu vaccine

With the influenza season fast approaching, the Student Health Center has announced the cancellation of several scheduled flu shot clinics.


Terror-free hospital

In preparation for a terrorist attack, Georgetown University Hospital and thirty other non-profit organizations in the Washington, D.C. area were awarded federal grants this month to fortify their facilities.


An A for effort

City on a Hill – bi-weekly column on D.C. news & politics


GU first year robbed at gunpoint

A Georgetown student was robbed at gunpoint early Friday evening less than four blocks from campus.


Pakistani-only group controversial

South Asian Society worried new club will distract from Asian unity


East Campus security increased

Crime rise prompts new safety measures in LXR, Nevils


Panel calls on GU community to support gays

The entire University community is responsible for addressing the challenges of being gay at Georgetown, a panel of faculty, staff and students determined Tuesday night.