
What’s happening on campus and in D.C.


The monk on Prospect St.

Overworked students find solace in meditation


Ailing parents go national

Ailing Mothers and Fathers began as a support network for about twenty Georgetown students with sick or deceased parents.


Hurricane Georgetown

Saxa Politica – bi-weekly analysis of on-campus news


The house that alumni built

For those wondering when the construction will finally end, the Alumni House on 36th and O streets will not officially open until Homecoming Weekend on Oct. 23.


Professor joins U.N.

United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan nominated Georgetown professor John L. Esposito to the U.N. Alliance for Civilization High-Level Group last Friday.


GERMS’ ailing ambulances

Medical services in talks with University for new unit


The ballpark gets a builder

Clark Construction contracted to build Nationals’ home


Meal plans made mandatory for sophomores

Sophomores, if you thought your days at Leo’s were over, think again.


The Tombs gets a facelift

After 20 years of fending off the Washington humidity, the Tombs needed a new air conditioner.


Henle floods

Several Henle residents were forced to leave their apartments for several nights after a broken sprinkler flooded their apartments Monday.


Welcome to Qatar

President John DeGioia gave a long-distance welcome to the newest class in the School of Foreign Service on Saturday. The 26 students of the Qatar campus’ first incoming class hail from Bangladesh to the Philippines, as well as parts of the Middle East.


Season opener

City on a Hill – bi-weekly column on D.C. news & politics


The new face of the MSB

As the new dean of the McDonough School of Business, George Daly hopes to construct a compelling and distinctive identity for the school in coming years.



Georgetown mourns the loss of three students who passed away this summer.


New year brings campus changes

Students ready for a break from the dust, noise, and detours created by the construction on the Harbin Field multi-sport facility and the Davis Performing Arts Center will have to keep waiting.


Eat faster & finer at GU

New dining options for the Georgetown campus are on the way, offering students greater variety and a taste of fast food.


Panda born in National Zoo

On July 9, 2005, a baby panda cub took Washington’s National Zoo by storm.

Although zookeepers chose not to approach the male cub for weighing or measurement for several weeks, press outlets estimated the white, hairless cub at about the size of a stick of butter.


Abnormal psych

Anybody who teaches Abnormal Psychology will tell you that students taking the course often suspect they suffer from the disorders they study.


Body of U-Md. student recovered from river

Cause of death undetermined as police end 10-day search


GU living wage inspires WashU students, others

Georgetown’s trend of political activism is expanding to other universities across the country.