
What’s happening on campus and in D.C.


Missing bust

The stand that once housed the bust of former Georgetown University President Edward Bunn S.J. sat empty and forlorn, tucked into its corner across from the elevators on the third floor of the ICC this week.


Gore attacks Bush

Former Vice President Al Gore addressed the Georgetown community in a pro-Kerry campaign speech Monday, focusing on what he referred to as President Bush’s failures.


GU junior drowns in boating accident

Junior Robert Tremain (MSB ‘06) drowned early Friday morning after falling from a boat near the James Creek Marina in Southwest, D.C., according to the Metropolitan Police Department.


Roommate matching works like a charm

First-year Amanda Tomney’s (SFS ‘08) e-mail box was inundated with messages from anonymous admirers and potential roommates all summer long.


Robbery on dark street, ANC decides to put out the lights

Two female students were assaulted Monday on local streets, marking the sixth violent crime reported to the Department of Public Safety this month and raising concerns about dim lighting in the area.


Fresh Reps

Four first-year representatives were officially sworn into the Georgetown University Student Association Tuesday.


Affirmative Reaction

Conservative author and speaker David Horowitz will discuss academic freedom on college campuses at 7 p.m. tonight in St. Mary’s hall.


Automatic failure

Semiautomatic weapons may become legal for the first time in nearly 30 years in the District of Columbia.


GU solidarity triumphs and workers see living wage

After growing pressure from the Georgetown Solidarity Committee’s Living Wage Campaign, Senior Vice President and Administrative Officer Spiros Dimolitsas sent a letter to the GSC detailing a change in University policy towards contract workers Tuesday.


Criminal upsurge leads to increased security

The Department of Public Safety has decided to impose stricter security policies around three University buildings, after five violent crimes were reported by students in the last month.


Expos exported in likely D.C. move

Major League Baseball announced its decision to move the Montreal Expos to the District of Columbia last Wednesday in a phone call to city hall following a competition among several North American cities.


Another round of RIAA lawsuits begin, subpeonas to follow

The latest wave of the Recording Industry Association of America’s lawsuits began on Tuesday, and at least one Georgetown student became the target of a copyright infringement lawsuit.


Teh elected as junior class GUSA rep

Kah Yee Teh (SFS ‘06) won Tuesday’s Georgetown University Student Association election for Junior Class Representative.


Iraq at center of student political debate

The Georgetown College Republicans performed strongly Monday in a debate against the College Democrats over the safety of America in the wake of the Iraq war.


Solid wage increase

Most of Georgetown’s staff goes largely unnoticed by the student body.


Congress may cut interest it pays on student loans

The financial aid that nearly half of Georgetown students receive through federally subsidized loans could increase this year due to an amendment currently before the U.S. Senate.


Beloved independent movie theater closes

The Dupont Visions Cinema closed its doors last Sunday.


University warnings and RIAA lawsuits fail to deter file-sharing

An increasing number of Georgetown students have received letters from the Office of Student Conduct indicating that their University IP address has been connected with illegal file-sharing.


Georgetown student leads opposition to new housing rules

Changes to the point selection system for the housing process at Georgetown have led one student to protest.


MSB ready to build

The McDonough School of Business is one step closer to beginning construction on a new building after the Georgetown Board of Directors approved further funding for the project last Thursday.