
What’s happening on campus and in D.C.


Canal Rd. improvements begin

Entering the Georgetown campus from Canal Road is about to become safer and more convenient, University officials say, thanks to a construction project set to begin after more than two decades of planning. The Federal Highway Administration, which is managing the project, plans to begin construction on a new intersection and access road by early spring.


Free speech but not hate speech

The Supreme Court’s recent decision on sodomy is a “Moral 9/11,” according to flyers distributed by students not affiliated with Georgetown in Red Square on Nov. 20. The student was removed from campus by the Department of Public Safety.

After the incident, Interim Vice President for Student Affairs Todd Olson reaffirmed the University’s commitment to the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community in a broadcast e-mail.


Successful designer calls for social responsibility

“You can’t drive a car while looking in the rearview mirror and that goes for the fashion business, too. It’s moving so fast you always have to be looking forward,” said fashion tycoon Kenneth Cole when he visited Georgetown University late last month.

Nevertheless, Cole spent plenty of time looking back while writing his recent book, published on the 20th anniversary of Kenneth Cole Productions Inc.


Dulles woes

To me, Dulles International Airport seems almost mythical. I have never been on a flight to or from it, and I don’t even really know where it’s located. In fact, I gained most of my knowledge about it in the movie Die Hard 2: Die Harder.

I’ve never been to Dulles Airport because there’s no way to get there.


Boathouse approved; enrollment cap axed

NEWS EXTRA BY MIKE DeBONIS Georgetown University has received a pair of holiday gifts early this December: The D.C. Zoning Commission approved plans for a new GU boathouse Thursday evening, and on Dec. 4, the D.C. Court of Appeals invalidated several controversial conditions that the Board of Zoning Adjustment imposed on approval of the University’s campus plan earlier this year.


GUSA president exercises veto power

NEWS BY LAUREN TANICK Georgetown University Student Association President Brian Morgenstern (CAS ‘05) issued his first veto this week, striking down an amendment to GUSA’s constitution sponsored by the Lecture Fund. The amendment, approved by the GUSA Assembly on Nov. 11, called for a change in the way the Lecture Fund chair is selected.


Federal board rules on boathouse

NEWS BY MIKE DeBONIS A federal planning commission gave a mixed review earlier this month to a Georgetown University boathouse proposed for the Potomac waterfront. Opponents of the boathouse are celebrating a small victory, but according to University officials, the decision will not change the current boathouse design before its fate is decided at a zoning board meeting next month.


New discount benefits D.C. kids

Georgetown’s D.C. Schools Project is giving students the opportunity to save money while giving to a good cause. This month, it kicked off a yearlong campaign project with the DCSP Georgetown Community Discount Card.

The card costs ten dollars and is on sale at Vital Vittles, Full Exposure and the Center for Social Justice in Poulton Hall.


College honors professors

Georgetown University honored three professors for their excellence in undergraduate education at the Fall Faculty Convocation on Nov. 11. Jane McAuliffe, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, presented Paul Betz, professor of English, John Brough, professor of Philosophy, and Steven Sabat, professor of Psychology with the College Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching.


Nagasaki atomic bomb survivor urges peace

Taking the stage in the ICC Auditorium, Kazuko Yamashina covered the podium with paper cranes. With the help of an interpreter, she explained that the cranes represent her dead mother, father, sister and brother, who died in the bombing of Nagasaki, Japan.


Interim forever?

The first semester after the Great Administrator Exodus of 2003 is nearly finished, and still it seems there’s just as many administrators with “interim” in their title as when the semester started. Plenty of administrators with “interim” or “acting” tags are in high-level positions, running departments such as the Department of Public Safety and the Office of Off-Campus Student Life.


MPD locates student missing over weekend

NEWS BY ROB ANDERSON Members of the Georgetown community sighed with relief Monday evening when the Metropolitan Police Department found a student who had been missing for four days. The University has released no details about the disappearance of Eden Ghidei (MSB ‘06).


Lauinger collection reveals Jackie Kennedy’s spiritual struggle

NEWS BY CHRIS STANTON Another chapter in the story of America’s most famous political family unfolded this week at Lauinger Library as it unveiled to the general public the personal correspondence of Jaqueline Kennedy with a Georgetown priest. Within the writings, a recently widowed Kennedy ponders suicide, solitude, and the meaning of the Catholic faith.


CFO details endowment plan

Georgetown University Chief Financial Officer Christopher Joyce discussed plans for Georgetown’s endowment’s growth and its role in financing the University in the ICC Auditorium last night. Joyce walked approximately 40 students through the structure of the endowment using PowerPoint slides of graphs and charts.


Leaders hopeful about Afghanistan’s future

Optimism dominated the discourse of Afghan and American leaders on Monday. Addressing a sparsely filled Gaston Hall, they agreed that Afghanistan is primed to assume democratic government and a successful capitalist economy.

United States government officials, who were mostly Georgetown graduates, leaders in the Afghan government, and members of United States business and media communities spoke at the Afghanistan-America Summit for Recovery and Reconstruction.


DNC Dropouts

Five prominent Democratic candidates for president struck a blow to the District’s hopes of attracting attention to its lack of congressional representation this week. Senators Joseph Lieberman, John Kerry and John Edwards, Rep. Richard Gephardt (D-Mo.) and retired general Wesley Clark have removed themselves from the District’s January Democratic primary election.


GUSA rejects affirmation of Arinze address

NEWS BY LAUREN TANICK A Georgetown University Student Association representative defended the controversial remarks made by Cardinal Francis Arinze at the 2003 Georgetown College graduation ceremony at this week’s GUSA meeting.


GU’s social justice goes global

The University’s commitment to social justice will take on global proportions this spring with the addition of community service-based sociology classes at several study abroad locations. The program will help students learn about both social justice and local cultures, according to Department of Sociology Chair Sam Marrullo.


Big East conference adds five new competitors

NEWS BY MIKE DeBONIS The competitive prospects for most Georgetown athletic teams changed Tuesday, when five new colleges joined the Big East conference. At a meeting in New York, University President John J. DeGioia and the other presidents of Big East member universities unanimously voted to invite the five schools.


Support growing for Take Back the Night

Take Back the Night and several other student organizations are sponsoring a series of educational events this week to spark discussion among students and support victims of gender motivated violence. Increased awareness of sexual assault issues over the past year has resulted in a greater student interest in these events, .