
What’s happening on campus and in D.C.


Safety matters

Hey, Georgetown, feel any safer this week? The University thinks you should: Georgetown’s first-ever vice president for University safety, David Morrell, started on the job Monday.

The University maintains an impressive stable of vice presidents, whose purposes range from the prosaic “facilities and student housing” to the high-minded “mission and ministry” to the esoteric “technology licensing.


DeGioia declines to formally address Arinze speech

NEWS BY SHANTHI MANIAN University President John J. DeGioia will not publicly respond to anti-gay remarks made by Cardinal Francis Arinze at last May’s graduation as requested by the Faculty Senate in a resolution passed on Oct. 21, according to Assistant Vice President of Communication Julie Bataille.


Protesters question patriotism of USA Patriot Act

“We live in a democracy, and this is what democracy looks like,” said Peace Action member Emil Totonchi (SFS ‘06) yesterday to appoximately 15 students crammed into a mock prison made of chicken-wire. These students were joined by several others at a rally to the protest infringements on civil liberties by the Patriot Act.


Georgetown men discuss sexual assault

Responding to statistics that show that 95 percent of sexual assaults are committed by men, a group of male Georgetown students and faculty decided last Wednesday that the burden is on them to respond to the recurring problem of sexual assault on campus.

Ben Cody (CAS ‘05), the meeting’s organizer, said that he hoped an environment without women would allow Georgetown men to comfortably share their views on an often difficult and painful subject.


Students rally to bring troops home

NEWS BY LAUREN TANICK Tens of thousands of protesters swarmed the Washington Monument last Saturday to demand the end of the United States’ occupation of Iraq. Several dozen Georgetown students attended the rally, joining a diverse crowd of objectors hailing from all over the nation.


Washington, R.I.P.

J. Edgar Hoover was known as a man who did not take no for an answer. As a result, not many politicians had the courage to stand up to him. One D.C. politician did, however-Walter E. Washington. Washington, who died Monday, was the first elected mayor of the District and the first African-American to lead a major U.


Student arrested outside of Myanmar Embassy

NEWS BY LAUREN TANICK A Georgetown student spent the day in jail after Metropolitan Police arrested him and three other protesters outside of the Embassy of Myanmar last Friday.


SafeRides expands services with Prospect to O St. shuttle

SafeRides has added a new shuttle to its transportation services. The permanent shuttle will run from the front of campus down O Street to Potomac Street and back on Prospect Street on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. Previously, SafeRides only transported students from point to point in response to calls, said Interim Vice President of Student Affairs Todd Olson.


Muslim students teach peers

“Most Americans expect Muslims to be strange,” said Associate Director of the Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding John Voll. This week, the Muslim Student Association is attempting to break down these stereotypes in the minds of the non-muslim Georgetown community.


Controversy creates unlikely partnership

NEWS BY CHRIS STANTON After a homophobic e-mail was sent over the Boston Area Club’s list serve, Georgetown’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning community were angered. But those feelings have turned to optimism as both sides entertain ideas of how to make amends and address issues of homophobia on Georgetown’s campus.


Knight of Columbus alumnus speaks about sexuality

John Soucy (CAS ‘99), a former Knight of Columbus and Georgetown Academy Man of the Year, visited campus this week as an openly gay alumnus. Soucy announced his sexual orientation in an editorial in the Hoya last spring, surprising some of his former friends at Georgetown.


Zone this!

Here’s a note for the planners of next month’s Georgetown Traditions Day: Chances are you forgot one of the University’s more recent, but distinguished traditions-protracted conflicts with the District’s zoning boards.


Georgetown names first VP for University safety

NEWS BY ROB ANDERSON Georgetown has named a former member of the United States Secret Service and the Homeland Security Department as its first vice president for University safety on Tuesday. The position was created to address the University’s response to a variety of emergency situations.


Corp loses less money than last year

Students of Georgetown, Inc. released its annual financial report this week. The bad news: Net losses total close to $20,000. The good news: The Corp’s board members couldn’t be happier.

“It’s not really that bad for us. We’ve had some years that were worse, and some that were better,” said Corp president Kelsey Shannon (CAS ‘04).


All kidding aside, GPIG expands schedule

It’s a Sunday night in Lauinger, and Midnight Mug is packed. But students haven’t come here to study. The new Georgetown Players Improv Group season is about to begin.

This year, Georgetown’s popular improvisational comedy group has added weekly Sunday performances at Midnight Mug to its already well attended monthly shows in Bulldog Alley.


Dean to visit campus today

Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean will give an economic address in Gaston Hall today. Dean’s visit marks the second appearance of a presidential candidate on campus during this campaign season.

The line for tickets Wednesday started at the doors of the Leavey Center bookstore and circled around Hoya Court to the hallway parallel to the Center Grill.


Outspoken author/director riles up Gaston Hall

NEWS BY SHANTHI MANIAN Michael Moore “modestly” proposed last Friday that for every person that dies in Iraq, the oil company Halliburton should have to “slay” one mid-level executive. “Seeing as how Halliburton is the only beneficiary of this war, they also should have to sacrifice,” he said.


What a flag

It’s ugly. In fact, some even consider it hideous. And, no, I’m not talking about Dennis Kucinich. I’m talking about the newly proposed flag for the District.

The new design is identical to the current flag-a white background with a row of red stars above two red bars-but now with the slogan “No Taxation Without Representation” written in white text across the two red bars.


Former associate dean accused of abuse

NEWS BY ROB ANDERSON A former associate dean of the College resigned as the president of another Jesuit university on Tuesday after accusations of sexual abuse surfaced against him.


GU ranks 20th on new college survey

Georgetown University ranked 20th on an Atlantic Monthly college survey that was created to compete with the widely read U.S. News & World Report ranking system. The rankings were created to support The Atlantic’s claims that a school’s selectivity is an inaccurate measure of the quality of its education.