
What’s happening on campus and in D.C.


GU battens down for Isabel

NEWS BY LAUREN TANICK Meteorologists, city officials and university administrators all agree: Isabel’s coming, and she’s packing a punch. Enough punch, it seems, for the University to close Thursday to accommodate commuting faculty and staff. According to the Weather Channel, the hurricane is predicted to bring gale force winds and heavy rains by Friday afternoon.


Armed robbers hit students’ home

NEWS BY CHRISTIE HAUSER Armed robbers entered the off-campus residence of six Georgetown students Sunday night, stealing valuables while the residents were still in the house.


DeGioia addresses Arinze speech

Faculty and students had mixed reactions to University President John J. DeGioia’s remarks last Friday when he responded to controversial comments made by Cardinal Francis Arinze at the College graduation last May. DeGioia reaffirmed Georgetown’s “commitment to full inclusiveness and care of each individual,” speaking at an informal meeting with student press.


GUSA proposes extended GUTS weekend hours

GUSA representatives are working to extend GUTS operation on the weekend. Over the summer, GUSA submitted a proposal to university administrators to lengthen hours and improve service to Dupont Circle.


Hoya goes ‘On the Record’ with Fox News

College Democrats President Mary Gibson (CAS ‘05) got a brief taste of the national spotlight when she appeared on Fox News Tuesday night to debate a conservative student leader from Howard University. For roughly six minutes, Gibson and opponent Adam Hunter debated the strengths and weaknesses of the National Democratic primary contenders on “On the Record” with TV talk show host Greta Van Susteren.


GUSA official steps down

NEWS BY CHRIS JAROSCH A Georgetown University Student Organization official resigned her post Tuesday. The former New South Project Manager Hannah Powell (SFS ‘05) said that she could no longer work with the GUSA executives after being harassed during the interview process for the university’s board of directors last April.


Our dirty secret

The new Southwest Quadrangle means many different things to many different people. Students see a brand-new dormitory and cafeteria; the Jesuit community sees a new home; and the University’s neighbors see 780 fewer students off campus. Now guess which one of those was the reason the Southwest Quad was built.


Campus lockdown policy will end

NEWS BY ROB ANDERSON In an effort to better “balance the need for safety with the interest of fostering community,” Georgetown will relax its residence hall access policies starting Sept. 12, according to a campus wide e-mail sent yesterday by Senior Vice President Spiros Dimolitsas and Vice President for Student Affairs Todd Olson.


Weekend worries administrators

NEWS BY ROB ANDERSON Maybe it was the nice weather over the three-day weekend, or maybe it was just the back-to-school excitement. But whatever it was, Georgetown students partied hard last weekend, according to members of the Student Neighborhood Assistance Program (SNAP).


Student hit by Mercedes SLK

A vehicle hit transfer student Theo Novak (CAS ‘05) while he crossed 35th Street late Sunday night. Novak, who lives near the intersection of 35th and O Streets, was walking across 35th Street with a group of about four other students night when a woman driving a white Mercedes SLK ran the stop sign and struck him in the left knee.


New web site launches today

Georgetown is expected to launch a new website today that will consolidate the health and safety resources available to Georgetown students onto one easy-to-use website. The site,, contain contact and location information for University health, counseling and wellness services, and will include general information about issues that affect students, ranging from alcohol abuse and sexually transmitted infections to acne and homesickness.


$1.2 million grant awarded to GU

Georgetown University’s Community Research and Learning Network (CoRAL) received a $1.2 million dollar grant from the Corporation for National and Community Service Wednesday. According to Kathleen Maas Weigert, the Director for the Center for Social Justice, Research, Teaching and Service, the grant money will allow for new full-time staff positions and for new paid student positions.


DC on Speed

Big Brother is watching you, but not in the way you might expect. It isn’t through John Ashcroft’s hidden cameras in smoke detectors, but rather through a system established to monitor traffic. And this time big brother doesn’t want you to obey-he wants you to pay.


GU as 7-Eleven?

If you’ve read this week’s cover story about the bevy of new administrators this year, one thought may well have struck you square: When did our top-tier national research university turn into a 7-Eleven? Perhaps that’s an exaggeration: the new Leo J. O’Donovan Dining Hall may have Starbucks coffee with boutique flavored syrups, but there are no blue raspberry Slurpees yet.


Dieringer prepares to face her fears

The Georgetown student who allegedly sexually assaulted Kate Dieringer (NHS ‘05) last year is back on campus this year.” People keep telling me I won’t run into him on campus, but I’m sure I’ll see him all of the time-in Leavey, in the library, in the cafeteria, in Booey’s, in Wisey’s,” said Dieringer.


Alumnus dies in UN explosion

Rick Hooper (MAAS ‘90) died Aug. 19, 2003 in the bombing of the United Nations offices in Baghdad. Hooper, 40, was working as assistant to the head of the U.N.’s special envoy, Kieran Prendergast. Temporarily replacing an assistant envoy, Hooper was planning on staying in Baghdad for only two weeks before continuing on to Palestine.


Changes to alcohol policy considered

NEWS BY SHANTHI MANIAN Students and faculty of the FRIENDS initiative submitted a proposal to Interim Vice President for Student Affairs Todd Olson this week that would drastically change Georgetown’s alcohol policy. The document includes recommendations to eliminate Georgetown’s “dry dorm” policy, party registration and “beer gardens” which physically separate drinkers from non-drinkers at on-campus parties.


GU honors King’s legacy

Georgetown is sponsoring an event this evening to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech. Civil rights activist Ossie Davis will speak at the Kennedy Center, followed by a performance by the Georgetown Gospel Choir.


Students robbed in Burleith

An armed assailant robbed two Georgetown students of their purses this week. At approximately 11:45 p.m. Tuesday night, the two students were approached by an armed suspect while they walked down the 3300 block of “O” Street, N.W. The suspect demanded their purses and they turned them over.


Juan’s gone, Olson steps in as interim V.P.

NEWS BY ROB ANDERSON Former Vice President for Student Affairs Dr. Juan Gonzalez unexpectedly ended his tenure at the University this summer to take a position as Vice President for Student Affairs at Arizona State University. Former Associate Vice President for Student Affairs Dr. Todd Olson is now serving as the interim Vice President for Student Affairs.