
What’s happening on campus and in D.C.


24-hour guard proposals finalized

In a Security Committee meeting on Tuesday, students and administrators discussed a proposal to post 24-hour guards in campus dorms. Under the proposal, students would continue to work as guards during the day while professional guards would work between 12 a.


Students ‘Take Back the Night’

This year’s Take Back the Night, a week-long event protesting gender violence, is expected to be a success due to a revised mission and University-wide support, according to Co-Chair of Take Back the Night Olive Goh. Support from 28 clubs and organizations as well as funding from 20 University departments reflect the widespread concern for gender-based violence on campus, she said.


All students guaranteed housing next year

All students who want to live on-campus are guaranteed housing next year regardless of their previously allotted years of eligibility, based on the findings of the Housing Advisory Committee, composed of both students and administrators. As of press time, e-mails announcing the change were scheduled to be sent to sophomores and juniors this morning from Director of Housing Services Shirley Menendez.


Arts expansion includes new facility, major

The Advisory Neighborhood Commission voted unanimously Tuesday night to approve plans for the Georgetown Performing Arts Center. Final approval awaits a hearing before the Board of Zoning Adjustment scheduled for Dec. 5.

The Performing Arts Center, a part of the Georgetown University Campus 2000 Plan, will be the first building in University history dedicated entirely to the performing arts.


ANC reviews student-neighbor relations

As elections approach, Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners reflected at the ANC meeting Tuesday night on the progress made in the relationship between students and non-student residents of Georgetown. Several Commissioners, including Chairman Peter Pulsifer and both student Commissioners Justin Wagner (CAS ‘03) and Justin Kopa (CAS ‘03) will not be running for re-election.


Metro police presence increases

Due to security concerns and complaints from neighbors, police presence has increased permanently in Georgetown and will be especially high tonight for Halloween.

The number of police officers will be greater than a normal Thursday night because of the various Halloween activities in the neighborhood.


MPD and DPS may coordinate

Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner Justin Wagner (CAS ‘03) petitioned the D.C. City Council last Thursday to implement the Omnibus Public Safety Agency Reform Amendment, which is intended to strengthen relationships between the Metropolitan Police Department and area campus public safety agencies.


Housing crisis averted?

This morning, Georgetown students received an e-mail announcing that, regardless of what the Office of Housing Services office told them last year, they now have four years of guaranteed on-campus housing. With the completion of the much-awaited Southwest Quadrangle in the fall of 2003, the University will be able to accommodate 780 more students than it has in the past.


Dulles discusses Vatican II

In the 40 years since the opening of Vatican II, a conference attended by Roman Catholic leaders, some of the writings produced by the participants have been wrongly interpreted, said Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J. on Wednesday night. During his speech in ICC Auditorium, Dulles gave his own opinions about the myths and realities of the Vatican II documents.


O’Connor speaks on Bill of Rights

Cases related to terrorism will reach the U.S. Supreme Court, Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor said in a speech in Gaston Hall Monday night. O’Connor briefly addressed terrorism but focused her speech on the Bill of Rights and her career as the first female justice on the Supreme Court.


African-American Studies minor created

An African-American Studies minor will be avaliable to students for the first time this spring, after a five-year effort by students and faculty.

According to the proposal submitted to the administration by students and faculty members, “An examination of the top 25 universities as reported by U.


Former CEO of Andersen speaks

Joe Berardino, former Chief Executive Officer of Andersen Worldwide, the accounting firm that collapsed last spring, maintained that without a federal indictment, the firm could have survived. Berardino spoke at Georgetown on Monday night in a forum that included Georgetown professors from the McDonough School of Business.


B-U-Y, it’s no A-B-C

It’s ironic that the Jefferson Memorial is located here in the District, as the city’s public education system once again finds itself in the spotlight. Jefferson, who was one of the biggest proponents of a free public education system open to all citizens, is no doubt rolling over in his grave at the latest news from D.


Students host NCSC Conference

More than 400 college students converged in the District this past weekend to take part in the 30th annual National Collegiate Security Council Conference, a Model United Nations conference run solely by Georgetown undergraduates.

NCSC is a collegiate organization composed of mostly East Coast and Canadian schools which converge to discuss and debate international and historical issues in a crisis-style format.


Muslim chaplain hospitalized last week

Yahya Hendi, Georgetown’s Muslim Chaplain, was hospitalized early last week after complaining of chest pains.

According to Allison Carpenter (CAS ‘03), vice president of the Muslim Student Association, Hendi began feeling ill last Monday and on Tuesday checked into Holy Cross Hospital in Maryland.


Students ‘die-in’ to protest potential war in Iraq

As the clock struck one on Wednesday, approximately 65 Georgetown students “died” for 15 minutes in Red Square, lying motionless on the red bricks to protest the potential war on Iraq. Protest leaders spoke against U.S. involvement in Iraq as more than 60 students looked on.


Gonzalez announces plan to hire new assistant

Vice President for Student Affairs Juan Gonzalez announced Wednesday his intention to appoint Mary Dluhy as Special Assistant to the Vice President. Last March, Gonzalez created the position of Special Assistant to review the services provided by the University for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.


Georgetown to develop Arabic dialect programs

Georgetown’s Arabic Department will offer a class in the Iraqi dialect of Arabic during the three-week pre-session before summer classes next year. Professors are currently developing a course after receiving $180,000 in grant money from a U.S. Department of Education to the National Capital Language Resource Center.


Students participate in death penalty awareness

Georgetown’s Campaign to End the Death Penalty student group is observing Death Penalty Awareness Week, which began as an idea by Georgetown students two years ago and became a nationally observed event last year.

Two years ago, members of the group had the idea to designate one week of the year as a time to raise awareness about issues surrounding the death penalty.


Look at the fish, Daddy!

A five-year-old boy runs around the small pond, pointing excitedly into the water. “Look at the fish, Daddy!” he says, while standing precariously on the rocks lining the pond. Lying discreetly beside him, almost hidden by the grass, is a brass plaque dedicating the water memorial to a Georgetown student from his friends and family.