
What’s happening on campus and in D.C.


Alumni dedicate Sept. 11 memorial park

Around 100 members of the Georgetown community gathered in the newly completed Memorial Park in West Georgetown for an opening ceremony Saturday. The park, dedicated to members of the Georgetown community who died on Sept. 11, is a result of the Senior Class Gift of 2002 and the efforts of the Alumni Association.


Condom distribution in dorms questioned

Hyas for Choice, a student group that has traditionally distributed contraceptives outside dorm room doors, must decide on a new method due to recent conflict with University policy. In past years, members of Hyas for Choice, a non-University sponsored group, had taped condoms to their doors for students to take.


Club Union votes against lockdown policy

The Georgetown Club and Activities Union voted unanimously Tuesday night to send a letter to the University administration expressing concern over the new lock-down policy on campus.

The letter follows one sent by the Georgetown University Student Association last Friday that expressed identical concerns.


Crew boathouse planned for 2004

On Sept. 9, Georgetown University and the National Park Service submitted applications requesting that a 1.09 acre parcel of land be zoned for the future site of the Georgetown University Boathouse.

The land, which is one-quarter mile from the Key Bridge and borders the Washington Canoe Club, the Capital Crescent Trail and the Potomac River, is currently owned by the U.


I like the nightlife

Nightlife is arguably one of the most exciting aspects of going to school in the District. Georgetown would be Ho-Hum University in a small college town were it not for the eclectic group of bars, restaurants and clubs all over the city that provide activity for students who want to get beyond Healy Gates.


GU student assaulted in front of Wisemiller’s

A male Georgetown student was assaulted Saturday evening outside Wisemiller’s Deli on 36th Street.

At approximately 4:50 pm, the victim was repeatedly struck in the head by two assailants. None of the victim’s valuables were taken.

According to the Metropolitan Police Department, the suspects are two white males, between 20 and 25 in age, both approximately 6 feet to 6 feet 2 inches tall and 175 to 180 pounds.


Provost is ‘pretty face’ of GU

In an interview with campus newspapers last week, University Provost Jim O’Donnell spoke enthusiastically about his role and relationship with Georgetown. O’Donnell, who took office as provost in July, said that he wants to help make the Georgetown community more of what it is already becoming.


UNICEF chapter to start at GU

Julia Chan (SFS ‘03) and Sean Hawkes (CAS ‘03) addressed a group of about 20 students with a plan to start a Georgetown University United Nations Children’s Fund chapter at a meeting on Wednesday. The chapter will focus on fundraising for children’s health and education in the developing world.


GUSA disagrees with lockdown policy

The Georgetown University Student Association sent a letter to University President John J. DeGioia Friday expressing concern regarding the new student safety policies on campus. As of the beginning of this school year, students no longer have 24-hour access to University buildings other than their own on-campus residence buildings.


Fair trade coffee campaign finds success at GU

Georgetown Students for Fair Trade have made considerable progress toward their goal of having Georgetown’s campus serve only Fair Trade-certified coffee. Fair Trade guarantees farmers a higher wage and meets higher product standards.

New South, the Center Grill and Buzz now serve the coffee.


Students want to study in Beirut

If the efforts of some Georgetown students are successful, this time next year they could be studying abroad in Lebanon in a University-supported program.

The Office of International Programs is tentatively reviewing the possibility of adding a program at American University in Beirut.


GU for sale

As liberal-minded, idealistic college students, many of us at Georgetown would like to say that we are wholeheartedly against the corporatization of our school. We come to university to learn and to be challenged intellectually?not to be bombarded with corporate logos and sponsorships.


Student robbed at gunpoint

In the early morning hours of Sunday Sept. 8, a Georgetown student was robbed at gunpoint near the corner of 30th and Dumbarton Streets as he was walking home.

The Georgetown Department of Public Safety issued a campus-wide e-mail this Monday informing students of the incident and advocating caution.


New metro proposal released

The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority released an expansion plan Friday that replaces an earlier plan which would have placed a Metro station in Georgetown. In October, 2001, the agency had proposed a new subway line with a station at M Street and Wisconsin Avenue.


Catania urges urban action for Republicans

David Catania, at-large Republican D.C. City Council member and Georgetown graduate, gave a speech on campus Wednesday night which emphasized the increasing applicability of Republican ideas to urban settings.

In a recent Washington Times op-ed piece, Catania expressed his view that the Republican Party made a mistake when it “gave up on urban areas in the ‘40s.


GU commemorates Sept. 11 anniversary

The University paused in a national moment of silence at 8:46 am Wednesday to commemerate the attacks of Sept. 11. Events, including an interfaith service of prayer, a town hall meeting and a candlelight vigil, were held to offer students an opportunity to reflect and discuss the attacks and their effects.


Primary results uncertain; Williams looks to win

Close to 1,000 Georgetown students headed to the polls Tuesday to choose from seven candidates running in the Sept. 10 primary.

The winner of the Democratic primary remains undetermined at this time.

The two leading candidates, current Mayor Anthony Williams and the Reverend Willie Wilson, were both write-in candidates.


DeGioia speaks on present and future of GU

Georgetown University must raise $170 million this year to successfully reach its fundraising goal of $1 billion, University President John J. DeGioia said in a meeting with student press on Sept. 6.

The Third Century Campaign to raise $1 billion began in 1995 and will end on June 30, 2003.


Students protest terrorism

A group of concerned students and faculty members staged a demonstration against all forms of terrorism in Red Square on Wednesday.

The demonstration involved 11 people lying down with their faces covered with bandanas holding signs which said, for example, “I was a high school teacher in Hiroshima.


March for justice, says Jackson

The Reverend Jesse Jackson urged Georgetown students to engage in “massive, non-violent” action by joining the March to Justice on Friday. The march is partly in response to the U.S. Department of Justice’s “closed door” policy towards Iraq.

Jackson’s Rainbow/PUSH Coalition is organizing the march, with the support of members and leaders from the NAACP, NOW, League of United Latin American Citizens and other groups.