
What’s happening on campus and in D.C.


City on the Hill

It seems we may have moved into some sort of a time warp. Voters across the nation woke up Tuesday morning, went to their local polling precincts and learned the results later that evening or read about them the next day. But things were different in the District: While we know who probably didn’t win the Democratic mayoral primary, we don’t know who did.


Chaplain encourages reflection

Interim University Chaplain Scott Pilarz, S.J. wants Campus Ministry to “galvanize energy across campus” this year, he said in a meeting with the Voice on Tuesday.

Pilarz said that he wants to ensure that the programs Campus Ministry offers encourage spirituality and allow for reflection.


Mayor supports student involvement in ANC

D.C. Mayor Anthony Williams praised student involvement in local politics at the Campaign Georgetown meeting Monday night. Williams, who is a candidate in the upcoming November elections, also discussed the progress made during his term as mayor.

Volunteerism is essential to student relations with the community, Williams said.


University rejoins library consortium

Georgetown announced this week that it has rejoined the Washington Research Library Consortium, which will allow students, faculty and staff to share library resources with D.C.-area universities.

Membership in the WRLC permits Georgetown affiliates to access resources at American University, The Catholic University of America, Gallaudet University, George Mason University, The George Washington University, Marymount University and the University of the District of Columbia.


Track team wants use of field

Georgetown University wants to renovate and lease the track at nearby Ellington Field for the next five years, as the University no longer has an on-campus track. Ellington Field is at the intersection of 38th and R Streets in Burleith, a short distance from the Medical Center.



On Tuesday the Advisory Neighborhood Commission voted in favor of a resolution supporting an act that could do more for Georgetown students’ safety than the Emergency Preparedness Committee ever could. That is, if the Department of Public Safety and the Metropolitan Police Department find themselves to be good bedfellows.


DPS could increase jurisdiction

University Department of Public Safety Officers could see an increase in off-campus jurisdiction and potentially share equipment and training with the Metropolitan Police Department if an act is passed by the D.C. City Council. The Committee on the Judiciary will have an open hearing on the Omnibus Public Safety Agency Reform Amendment Act of 2002 on Sept.


Three students to run in ANC elections

Three students, Eric Lashner (CAS ‘05), Mike Griffin (CAS ‘05) and Michael Glick (CAS ‘05), have declared their candidacy for the Nov. 5 Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2E elections.

Lashner and Griffin will submit paperwork by this Friday’s deadline in order to be placed on the ballot, while Glick is running as a write-in candidate and will not submit paperwork.


Emergency Response Team active in GU safety

The creation of a new senior administrator position to oversee the University’s emergency response plan marks the latest development for the University’s Emergency Response Team. Other changes since the group was formed last September include increased visibility of Department of Public Safety officers and restricted access to on-campus buildings.


Students unable to access money through ATM

Students arrived on campus last week to find themselves with limited access to money kept in acounts with the Georgetown University Alumni and Student Federal Credit Union. The two automated teller machines on campus operated by the Credit Union were out of order and the bank’s school-year hours did not begin until Monday.


GUSA launches

Georgetown’s new student-oriented website,, was launched Aug. 23 by the Georgetown University Student Association. The website, which is produced entirely by students, is composed largely of links to existing online information from bus schedules to local weather, and also has pages devoted to academics, events and frequently asked questions.


Years of housing may increase

by Brendan Boundy

The completion of the Southwest Quadrangle by next fall may guarantee Georgetown students another year of on-campus housing.

“We anticipate that the number of guaranteed years for on-campus housing may change with the addition of the Southwest Quadrangle,” Admissions Counselor Nicole Arshan said.


Georgetown Jesuit turns 100

Father James Martin, S.J., the oldest living Jesuit in the United States, will celebrate his 100th birthday this Friday on campus with friends and relatives from across the country.

Throughout his 68-year ministry, Martin has served at Georgetown University twice.


Champs closed; future uncertain

Champions Sports Bar and Restaurant has closed due to problems with both underage drinking and finances, according to Peter Pulsifer, chairman of the Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2E and co-chair of the ANC’s Alcohol and Beverage Committee.

The D.C. Alcohol and Beverage Commission forced Champions to close for 15 days and pay a fine of $25,000.


What’s in a game?

In 2012, there will be no legendary athlete like Muhammad Ali to light the Olympic flame in the District. In fact, there will be no flame at all. The U.S. Olympic Committee announced Tuesday that it had selected San Francisco and New York as the nation’s finalists in an international bid for the 2012 summer games.


D.C. Court of Appeals denies GU motion to stay

The D.C. Court of Appeals denied Georgetown University’s request for a stay regarding portions of the Board of Zoning and Adjustment’s conditions for the campus Ten-Year Plan.

Despite the June 20 ruling, both students and University neighbors are optimistic about progress that has been made in the past year and the future of community relations.


Search continues for administrators

Over the summer, Vice President of Student Affairs Juan Gonzalez and other Student Affairs staff began the process of filling the newly-created position of the Special Assistant to the Vice President.

The position was created in March by Gonzalez with the specific purpose of having a hired administrator to deal with the issues of the University lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.


UIS brings wireless networking to campus

byUniversity Information Services has upgraded technology through the purchase and installation of new computers and wireless networking at various locations around campus.

Sellinger Lounge, the public areas of ICC, Lauinger library, St. Mary’s and Dahlgren library are now equipped with wireless networks accessible through an ethernet card.


GOCard replaces old student ID

Georgetown University is continuing the process of fully incorporating the GOCard, a new student identification card that offers more services than the former student ID.

The old IDs will not open any campus dorms in the near future, according to Margie Bryant of the Office of Auxillary Services, which is heading the GOCard program.


GU hosts summit on Afghanistan

Georgetown University played a significant role in U.S.-Afghan relations over the summer by hosting the Afghanistan-America Summit on Recovery and Reconstruction. Top Afghan and U.S. government officials as well as U.S. policymakers and experts convened for the first time in the United States on July 24 and 25 to discuss pressing issues facing Afghanistan’s new government.