
What’s happening on campus and in D.C.


OSP administrator to leave

Director of Student Programs Mary Kay Schneider will leave the University to become the associate dean of students at the University of Florida on April 15. She will be in charge of disability, new student programs, and multicultural and diversity affairs.


Catholic leanings

Georgetown is undergoing a tough transition?a transition away from the status quo. At the end of this year, Georgetown will lose its provost, Dorothy Brown, its Director of Student Programs Mary Kay Schneider and its Associate Dean of Students Bethany Marlowe.


Bridges/Ayer win easily; Yard soundly defeated

Kaydee Bridges (SFS ‘03) and Mason Ayer (SFS ‘03) won a convincing victory in Monday’s Georgetown University Student Association presidential elections. Over 45 percent of students participated in this year’s online election, a nine percent increase from last year.


MPD combats wave of crimes in Georgetown

The Metropolitan Police Department has been successful in apprehending several suspects involved in the string of crimes which have recently plagued the Georgetown area.

“There have been only a few cases in the last four months where a suspect hasn’t been apprehended,” Bray said.


Politics matters, says Carville

James Carville, former political consultant and spin doctor for President Bill Clinton, amused the Georgetown community Wednesday with his opinions of the Bush administration’s first year and American politics in general.

Carville began his speech emphasizing his stance on the war in Afghanistan and the Bush presidency.


Gonzalez: Center impossible for GU

The establishment of a gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender resource center at Georgetown would unavoidably lead to advocacy of LGBTQ issues, said Vice President of Student Affairs Juan Gonzalez in his official written response to students’ proposal for a center.


Early exit

His is a department whose officers have coerced confessions from innocent people, let their attack dogs loose on homeless immigrants and shot dozens of unarmed men, among them a Howard University student trailed into Maryland from the District. As of March 1, he’ll be in early retirement.


Gonzalez rejects GLBT resource center

Vice President of Student Affairs Juan Gonzalez definitively rejected the proposed resource center for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender students on Friday. An ad hoc committee first presented the idea for a GLBT center to Gonzalez in August, and student supporters have been meeting with Gonzalez and other administrators to discuss the proposition throughout the year.


Students demonstrate against economic sanctions

As students walked to and from class yesterday afternoon, they were forced to detour around the ten or so bodies of their fellow students lying “dead” in Red Square. Every 15 minutes, another student would “fall dead,” clutching a sign proclaiming: “I am not Saddam Hussein” or “Lift the economic sanction NOW.


Fiber connection break causes Internet outage

The Verizon fiber connection that provides the University with Internet activity was accidentally cut early Tuesday morning, according to University Information Services. Students, faculty and staff on main campus, the Medical Center, Hospital and Law School, as well as University locations on Wisconsin Avenue could not access the Internet from 5 a.


Latvian president advocates trans-Atlantic alliance

Vaira Vike-Freiberga, the president of Latvia, advocated the necessity for a stronger trans-Atlantic partnership in a speech on Tuesday.

“The shattering terrorist attacks have put partnership in a new perspective,” Vike-Freiberga said. She noted that any country’s security can be threatened at any time, so it is no longer possible for any one country to be self-sufficient.


Bars to phase out drink specials

The Advisory Neighborhood Commission has reached agreements with two local Georgetown bars to gradually phase out promotional drink specials. The ANC could not reach an agreement with Champions to ban its admission of under-21 individuals into its establishment.


Scalia: GU Catholic identity strong

Georgetown’s moral Catholic environment is as present and as strong as ever, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia (CAS ‘57) said Monday in his speech as Jesuit Heritage Week’s Georgetown Alumnus Spotlight speaker.

After describing the degradation of morality in the United States over the past two centuries, Scalia said that Georgetown is “not losing its moral soul.


Saudi prince denounces bin Laden

Osama bin Laden is “one of the most vicious and one of the most cruel killers of our time,” said Prince Turki Al-Faisal bin Abd Al-Aziz Al-Saud (SFS ‘68), former head of intelligence in Saudi Arabia.

By speaking on Sunday in ICC Auditorium about his experiences as Saudi chief of intelligence, Turki said that he was breaking “a social taboo of the Kingdom [Saudi Arabia].


‘Bar’red from Drinking

As a way of keeping their liquor licenses, two local Georgetown bars told the Advisory Neighborhood Commission on Tuesday that they would forgo all-you-can-drink nights as well as other promotional drink specials.

ANC Commissioners feel these measures will reduce levels of underage drinking in the community.


DeGioia gives State of the School address

University President John J. DeGioia praised Georgetown’s rich traditions and sense of community in the State of the School address Tuesday evening.

DeGioia spoke of changes on campus since the events of September. “After Sept. 11, what had the most meaning for me was the sense of community.


President responds to medical faculty concerns

The appointment of Dr. Sam Wiesel to the newly-created position of Senior Vice President of the Medical Center and Dean of Clinical Affairs is critical to the fluorishing of the Georgetown-MedStar partnership, University President John J. DeGioia said in his response to a petition submitted by Medical Center faculty.


Deadline for GLBT center response missed

The deadline that Vice President of Student Affairs Juan Gonzalez set earlier this year to provide his written response to students supporting a resource center for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender students has passed, say supporters of the center.

Gonzalez has twice proposed a date to provide the response.


Afghan ruler promises democracy

Afghanistan’s new ruler promised to establish a strong democratic government responsive to each citizen and capable of bringing stability to a country that has suffered from more than two decades of political turmoil. Speaking in front of over 3,000 people who packed into McDonough Gymnasium on Sunday, Afghanistan’s Interim Authority Chairman Hamid Karzai said that the Afghan people are ready to rebuild their country.


GUSA supports Michigan case

Georgetown University Student Association Representatives Steve Glickman (CAS ‘02) and Luis Torres (CAS ‘05) proposed a resolution Tuesday night calling for the University to write a friend of the court brief to the Supreme Court in the University of Michigan affirmative action case.