
What’s happening on campus and in D.C.


Black Tuesday

Tuesday began just like any other day. Students went to their 8:50 a.m. classes and business at Georgetown seemed to run as usual. Little did we know that in a... Read more


Panel attempts to put tragedy in perspective

Efforts to make sense of Tuesday’s tragic events and discussions on how the United States should respond to them provided the focus for a panel held Wednesday evening in Gaston... Read more


ANC postpones Student Bill of Rights

A vote on a Students’ Bill of Rights was postponed in an Advisory Neighborhood Commission meeting Tuesday. ANC Commissioner and sponsor of the bill, Justin Wagner (CAS ’03) said the... Read more


Metro officer suspects scam in $10,000 robbery

Last Wednesday, a female Georgetown graduate student was robbed of $10,000 on the 3800 block of Reservoir Road. Metropolitan Police Department investigators believe that the student was involved in a... Read more


Issues of Catholic identity, rocky neighborhood relations and lower endowment await DeGioia

The University has not been told it has to encourage or require professors of Catholic theology to seek approval to teach from the local cardinal, University President John J. DeGioia... Read more


GU takes BZA to District court

On Wednesday, Georgetown notified the District of Columbia Court of Appeals of its intent to appeal the conditions the Board of Zoning Adjustment placed on the University’s construction plans. The... Read more


Bookstore employee held on fraud

A temporary University bookstore employee is being held in connection with her attempt to defraud two students of $300 last Wednesday, according to the Director of Bookstores Jim Kuhlman. Kuhlman... Read more


Students upset over call code

A new campus phone policy requiring students to enter a personal code to make local calls prompted a letter of concern from Georgetown University Student Association leaders to a University... Read more


Capital Offenses

The college years of anyone’s life are not usually associated with a remarkable degree of law-abiding behavior. Nor should they necessarily be; if you think you might reach a point... Read more


Provost Dorothy Brown to retire

At the end of this academic year, University Provost Dorothy Brown will retire. In 1998, Brown assumed the position of Interim Provost until 1999 when she accepted a three-year term... Read more


New district lines for local ANC

Last week, a task force of 17 local residents voted on new district lines for the local Advisory Neighborhood Commission, an organization which serves as the neighborhood’s voice in advising... Read more


Mass of the Holy Spirit not given by President

The 2001 Mass of the Holy Spirit was not performed by the University President for the first time on Wednesday. John J. DeGioia passed the duty of presiding over the... Read more


St. Mary’s undergoes renovation

A complete renovation of the St. Mary’s building will allow for more accessible and technologically up-to-date spaces for the Georgetown community, said Michael Bergin, the Executive Director of the School... Read more


Students to run dorm discipline

The Residential Judicial Council, designed by InterHall to create a more student-centered disciplinary system, will be introduced campus-wide following last year’s successful pilot program in the New South dorm. “We... Read more


GU Identity Crisis

What does it mean for Georgetown to not have a Jesuit president? The question of how Georgetown’s Catholic identity will change due to the absence of a Jesuit president began... Read more


GU Hosts Program for Residents

This fall, Georgetown will offer a non-credit academic program designed for University neighbors and D.C. area residents. The Center for Lifelong Learning, part of the School for Summer and Continuing... Read more


Delegations hold interfaith dialogue

Georgetown hosted delegations of Palestinians and Israelis in an interfaith dialogue Wednesday. The discussions, facilitated by members of the Campus Ministry, Pat Conroy S.J., Imam Yahya Hendi and Rabbi Harold... Read more


University allowed to postpone BZA orders

The District of Columbia Board of Zoning Adjustment has granted Georgetown permission to postpone implementing BZA orders the University claims would cause “irreparable harm.” Although University officials say that many... Read more


University to increase safety awareness

University administration and the Department of Public Safety are coordinating their efforts to increase safety awareness on campus in response to several burglaries and assaults in the Burleith area. “We... Read more


Proposal calls for improved response on GLBT

An ad hoc committee formed by Vice President of Student Affairs Juan Gonzalez met for eight weeks this summer to discuss issues facing gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender students at... Read more