
Opinions from the Voice’s official editorial board.


U.S. should protect Knox from Italian injustice

An Italian jury found Amanda Knox guilty of murder and sentenced her to 28 and a half years in Italian prison for the murder of her roommate Meredith Kercher. This... Read more


Olympic message lost during Sochi coverage

The 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics will commence this Friday, letting the sports, rather than the political games, finally begin. Sochi, a resort town with subtropical temperatures, is far from the... Read more


Housing office must improve communication

Most students discovered changes to the Housing Selection Handbook last Monday after a few students made a Facebook event in protest, not when the Office of Residential Living changed the... Read more


SOTU vows action with or without Congress

On Tuesday night, President Obama delivered his fifth State of the Union Address. For sixty-five minutes he balanced the retrospective and the visionary, alluding to 2013’s political failures while forecasting... Read more


Academic ineligibility reveals underlying issue

Georgetown basketball Head Coach John Thompson III announced last Friday that center Joshua Smith has been deemed academically ineligible for the remainder of the season. Smith’s case is the second... Read more


GUSA demands more sexual assault education

Following President Obama’s formation of a White House Task Force on Protecting Students from Sexual Assault, GUSA released a list of thorough, practical suggestions for improving policies and services for... Read more


Free speech code fails to live up to promises

GUSA and the Georgetown University Speech and Expression Committee held a free speech forum last Friday titled, “Free Speech in the Digital Age: Are There Boundaries?” During the question and... Read more


D.C. moves closer to marijuana decriminalization

Lawmakers in the District of Columbia made another significant stride toward the decriminalization of marijuana last Wednesday when the Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety of the D.C. Council... Read more


Chemical spill reveals unacceptable neglect

About two weeks ago, a storage tank owned by mining chemical manufacturer Freedom Industries spilled 7,500 gallons of chemicals—4-Methylcyclohexane Methanol (MCHM) and polyglycol ether (PPH)—into the Elk River in Charleston,... Read more


Unemployment benefit extension is essential

In its monthly labor report released on Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics revealed that the United States generated a mere 74,000 jobs in December—a disappointing number for economists who... Read more


Adjunct professor Scheuer crosses the line

In a recent column published on his own website, Georgetown adjunct professor Michael Scheuer seemed to endorse the assassinations of President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron. Borrowing... Read more


House anti-abortion bill targets poor women

On Jan. 9, members of the House held a hearing on HR7, otherwise known as the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act.” Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ) led the House Subcommittee... Read more


Measured divestment proposal shows promise

On Sunday, Nov. 24, the GUSA Senate voted 17 to six to pass a resolution endorsing GU Fossil Free’s divestment proposal.The proposal is the latest product of an almost year-long dialogue between administrators and the students of GU Fossil Free, and its successful marriage of the realities of the endowment with the moral imperative Georgetown has to divest deserves nothing less than GUSA’s support.


‘Smoke of Satan’ video breaches student privacy

During GU Pride’s Coming Out Day celebration this year, two unidentified high school boys affiliated with the conservative Catholic organization the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and... Read more


Minimum wage hike will benefit D.C. workers

The D.C. Council voted unanimously on Tuesday to raise the minimum wage in the District to $11.50 an hour. The bill, if signed by Mayor Vincent Gray, would make D.C’s... Read more


Master planning needs more student interest

The University administration held several master planning events this week intended to engage the student body on housing issues such as sustainability. While the Voice applauds the University for ramping... Read more


D.C. jail suicides show lack of inmate care

D.C. Councilmember Tommy Wells  (D-Ward 7) opened a hearing on Nov. 7 to investigate a report released by the Department of Corrections on in-custody deaths in the District’s Centeral Detentions... Read more


Community learning adds to class experience

Interest in community-based learning courses, classes that incorporate community service as part of the curriculum, has increased at Georgetown in recent years. Professors from a wide range of departments have... Read more


Grad School admissions lack racial diversity

Georgetown’s annual Official Enrollment Statistics report, released to University officials at the end of September, found that racial and ethnic minorities are shockingly underrepresented in the University’s graduate programs, particularly... Read more


Petition calls for end to worker abuse at Epi

In a joint effort with campus advocacy groups such as Hoyas for Immigrant Rights and the Georgetown University Student Association, the Georgetown Solidarity Committee presented a letter and petition to... Read more