
Opinions from the Voice’s official editorial board.


Church shouldn’t abandon D.C. needy

In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” It’s unclear whether the 68,000 people currently receiving social... Read more


Campus plan needs clear priorities

After months of planning, Georgetown’s 2010 Campus Plan is nearly complete, defining what construction projects the University can undertake over the upcoming decade. The plan has laudable new goals, such... Read more


Jesuit massacre sheds light on School

Twenty years ago last Monday, Salvadoran soldiers murdered six Jesuits, their housekeeper, and her daughter in the early morning. The military targeted the Jesuits because they called for peace talks... Read more


Students need meal plan flexibility

When this semester ends, students can sell back books they bought but hardly used. They can cancel their cable plans with the University if they find they are not watching... Read more


For DPS, fighting crime doesn’t pay

Patrolling a campus in one of America’s most violent cities, Department of Public Safety officers put a lot on the line to protect Georgetown students. Only a few years ago,... Read more


SAC the new GUSA funding board

Georgetown University Student Association President Calen Angert (MSB ‘11) has been fighting for months to fulfill one of his campaign promises: the Georgetown Fund, a GUSA-controlled fund for student groups.... Read more


Fenty needs to explain cozy contracts

Georgetown doesn’t have many fraternities, and that means students miss out on regular parts of college life at other schools like hazing, learning the Greek alphabet, and having a friend... Read more


Students should stand with LGTBQ

On a brisk fall night earlier this week, upwards of one hundred students, faculty, and other members of the Georgetown community gathered in Red Square to make a clear statement:... Read more


D.C. should avoid streetcar desire

The District Department of Transportation is gearing up for a massive streetcar initiative that would connect all of D.C.’s eight wards through a 37-mile streetcar network, including a line that... Read more


Housing raffle favors the privileged

In a few weeks, the housing lottery will bring nervous upperclassmen to the brink of obsession—leaving them poring over floor plans, holding awkward negotiations with friends, and triple-checking the Office... Read more


DeGioia disconnected from students

Where in the world is President John DeGioia? A quick Google search shows Georgetown’s president popping up worldwide—in China, or in Davos, Switzerland. Very rarely, though, will a student spot... Read more


Teacher firings call for explanation

An 18 hour D.C. Council hearing last Friday that featured over 100 petitioners proved that tensions are still high in the District of Columbia Public School System over the recent... Read more


FCC should keep the Internet open

Today, the Federal Communications Commission will begin to decide the future of the internet by deciding whether it will make regulations to protect net neutrality. The Commission should insert itself... Read more


Message alerts missing at Madness

Although Midnight Madness is usually a less-than-apt moniker for an event that ends well before the zero hour, the event lived up to the second half of its name Friday... Read more


Campus turned on by power saving

Environmentalism at Georgetown always comes with a caveat. The Intercultural Center is solar-powered, but only partially, and there is no plan to replace the solar panels when they stop producing... Read more


Registrar leaves students waiting

Take a walk through Georgetown’s campus, and it is quickly apparent that students are busy—with clubs, jobs, internships, and, most importantly, classes. Planning ahead of time keeps students from being... Read more


Alcohol busts harsh on students

Last Thursday, Georgetown’s Department of Public Safety released its report on campus crime in 2008. Some of the numbers, including a 47 percent rise in main campus thefts, are distressing.... Read more


Gay marriage good news for D.C.

Last Tuesday, the nation’s capital came one step closer to achieving full civil rights and equality for its residents. Councilmember David Catania (I-At-Large) (SFS ‘90, LAW ‘94) introduced the “Religious... Read more


GU should embrace open access

Georgetown talks about “educating the whole person” a lot, and its professors have been known to complain that their students are more interested in earning high grades than they are... Read more


Keep D.C. taxis medallion-free

If you want to spit in the face of the working class, there are few better options than crossing a picket line. Nothing says, “my need for a hamburger or... Read more