
Opinions from the Voice’s official editorial board.


Three inches too much for D.C.

We learned this week that there is no better solution to icy roads than warm weather. It’s a shame we had to wait for it.


Planting a new SEED

Imagine being in a lecture class of 100 people, in which five or six come down with a disease. Normally they would be rushed off to treatment, and steps would be taken to ensure the safety of the rest of the students, right?


A green, clean, energy-saving campus

Going green is a grassroots movement. Just as our nation’s leaders have been reluctant to change, universities have other priorities, like raising money and attracting top professors.


Student loans, sleaze and subsidies

Hitting all of the usual sweet spots—defense, Medicare, Social Security—President Bush’s latest budget also takes a small but important step towards fixing a problem inhibiting fair student lending: private lending companies.


GU needs more diversity

Pearls and freshly fallen snow aren’t the only overwhelmingly white features of the Georgetown campus; the student body here on the hilltop remains true to its tradition of a prevailing Caucasian majority.


Somebody buy this girl a drink

Although it took her long enough to get her act together, Jenna Lowenstein (COL ’09), who represents Georgetown students on the Advisory Neighborhood Commission, deserves recognition for finally listening to student demands and reversing her position on an ANC petition to the University to limit student parties off-campus to one keg.


Free advice for Ben and Matt

During their campaign, Ben Shaw (COL ’08) and Matt Appenfeller (COL ’08) made many promises. Of course, student government is limited in what it can accomplish, and can only be relevant if it listens to students and represents their interests. The Voice urges our new leaders to focus on a few very important, relatively accomplishable issues.


Styacich/Dougherty in ‘07

Election season is back, filled with YouTube videos, Red Square posters and a million e-mails.


We just wanna dance

Despite being underage, many Georgetown students take advantage of D.C. dancing at nightclubs.


Trying to catch ‘em legislatin’ dirty

If the “Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007” makes it through the Senate this week, and it almost definitely will, it will be the first increase in the federal minimum wage in a decade.


Aborting a balanced debate

The Hoya perpetuated the one-sided view of the abortion debate supported by the University and displayed a lack of journalistic integrity.


Mis-state of the union: Our response to the president’s speech

Tuesday night our country heard a lame duck quacking, and it was a sad sound.


Resisting the urge to surge

To surge or not to surge, that is the question. Look at the facts: Iraq is a land area larger than California. Baghdad alone has a population of over six... Read more


Unparallel parking system

Jobs work on the basic principle that you trade your time for monetary compensation. But if you happen to work at the Leo J. O’Donovan Dining Hall or the Campus... Read more


Getting to girls early on

Eliminating poverty, ending cancer, brokering world peace—everyone’s had a daydream or two involving these noble goals, but let’s face it: they’re not too likely. Thanks to the development of the... Read more


Making student loans easy

As part of its one hundred-hour legislative agenda, the newly elected Democratic majority aims to make college education more affordable.


There’s no place like the dorms

Just two days ago, students returning to University housing for the spring semester were caught in the rush of last-minute details that inevitably occurs at this time every year, when there is less than a day to move in before the start of classes.


The principal of Fentytown

The confetti has barely finished falling and the last of the 15,000 guests are still trickling out of Adrian Fenty’s lavish inaugural ball, but the mayor is already delivering on the cornerstone promise of his campaign: change.


Giving professors a deadline

Course selection period can be a rough time for students as they attempt to strike a delicate balance between hard and easy classes. They try to put together the ideal schedule by avoiding 8:50 time slots and bypassing Fridays while still fulfilling requirements. But the situation is exacerbated by the fact that many of the courses listed online don’t include up-to-date syllabi or even a course description at all.


And now, our feature presentation

Far too frequently, it is not the professor so much as the students who are acually teaching the material. You are forced to listen to the student who happens to be doing a “class presentation” that day.