
Opinions from the Voice’s official editorial board.


Chartered flight to nowhere

This month, D.C. School Superintendent Clifford B. Janey called on the City Council to place a moratorium on the creation of new charter schools. This proactive effort is a major change in the most extensive charter market in the country, and one that could save the faltering D.C. public school system.


Playing hardball with the cable bill

Peter Angelos and Comcast have teamed up to combine two great American pastimes—baseball and screwing the little guy.


Good men doing nothing

After three years of genocide in Darfur, the United States – once the moral leader of the world – hopes that someone, anyone, will deal with the crisis but us.


No V.I.P. treatment in the club

As a Jesuit university dedicated to the development of the whole person, Georgetown has a duty to encourage athletic excellence at all levels and provide the resources all our teams need.


The definitive immigration solution

The immigration shouting match – er, debate – hit a new low last week when the Republican National Committee ran a series of television ads in Spanish accusing Democrats of supporting a bill to turn illegal immigration – currently a civil offense – into a felony punishable by jail time.


Forget being Nationals, be fair to the locals

Since the Nationals’ arrival last spring, the newly dedicated fans of Washington baseball have found few opportunities to watch their beloved team on television.


In Bush’s own words, he should be fired

In 2004, President George W. Bush confirmed that he would follow through on his pledge to fire anyone in his administration who leaked classified information.


It is time to take Jack for a walk

After nearly five years as university president, John J. DeGioia has proven himself to be a fairly capable administrator. He is generally well-liked by students and faculty, and he has embraced his role as the school’s fundraiser-in-chief. What he has not done, however, is become a visible and accessible member of the campus community.


Student theater’s dramatic ending?

As the Program in Performing Arts expands, its faculty must take care not to smother the student theater that has been a hallmark of University culture for more than 150 years.


The University is zoning out free speech

The University must extend the right of free speech to cover the entire campus if it hopes to create a student body that values dialogue and debate.


GU’s STI: Sexually Transmitted Ignorance

The fact that Georgetown does not offer free STI screenings compromises the overall sexual health of the campus and sends the message that Georgetown is not concerned with its students’ health.


Stuck in the middle (school reading level)

President George W. Bush’s much maligned education law may not leave any children behind, but it is pulling them forward far too late.


Cuban embargo should be an easy out

Baseball and politics, like all good things, are even more interesting together.


Hoya hoops good in every way

With a reserved passion emanating from coach John Thompson III, the Hoyas have demolished expectations and represented their school in a positive way by excelling on the court and in the community.


Three years and no good news in Iraq

The appropriate gift for a third anniversary is crystal. Perhaps we can offer some crystal clear advice.


Bias reporting system goes unreported

Whether or not students choose to admit it, discrimination is a problem at Georgetown.


It is time to start asking and telling

Not even the combined power of three-dozen law schools can force the government to give up discrimination against homosexuals.


Russ Feingold right to call for censure

As the only senator who voted against the USA Patriot Act in the days after Sept. 11, Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wi.) has a history of being a Congressional underdog. On... Read more


Swift kick to Google’s private parts

On Tuesday, A federal district court judge said he intends to rule that Google must cooperate with a Department of Justice subpoena demanding records of users’ search requests. This decision is a strong blow against the right to Internet privacy.