
Opinions from the Voice’s official editorial board.


GUSA hits reset button on election

On Tuesday night, the GUSA Assembly voted not to certify the results of last month’s presidential election. Instead, the assembly agreed to move towards a new election for the organization’s executives.


Tuition hike info needs to be public

The recent decision to increase undergraduate tuition by six percent has sparked student indignation and anger.


Minutemen launch an attack on reason

A controversial group opposed to illegal immigration, originally founded in Northern Virginia, crossed over the border this past week to protest government-funded day-laborer centers in Montgomery County, Md.


GUSA v. elections: we always lose

Now that a supposed bylaw violation has led to yet another contested GUSA election, it is time to take a critical look at the way these elections are being run.


No news is good news for PSM

Both the University and the participants in the Palestine Solidarity Movement Conference should be commended for maintaining a high level of civility and respect at this weekend’s events.


Hoyas trashed on Tuesdays and Fridays

Imagine having your backyard filled with a week’s worth of garbage because you lack the appropriate trash can to handle the garbage until pick-up day. What if the only alternative were a fine?


Twist and shout: Vote Murchison/Ishtiaq

Among this year’s candidates, we found no one who inspired us or provided a bold new vision for GUSA. Thus, we were forced to choose the candidates most likely to make their term one of institution-building and workman-like achievement.


Editor draws up the right cartoon response

In the last week a protagonist worthy of mention has appeared in a few newspapers, someone who everyone at Georgetown ought to know about. As an object lesson in courage and freedom of expression, we give you Jihad Momani, a man who needs our support – and isn’t getting it.


LGBTQ needs resources for a center

Georgetown University is currently one of only two Catholic universities with LGBTQ resource offices, and recently provided a new “center” for LGBTQ operations.


Not just living (wage) for the moment

Last week, members of Georgetown Living Wage Coalition unsuccessfully attempted to force their way into a closed meeting of the University’s Advisory Committee on Business Practices.


No time to wait on the lobby anymore

Early last week it seemed like Congress wanted bipartisan lobby reform.


Academic freedom for all, not some

At last Saturday’s Take Back Georgetown Day event, conservative students presented an Academic Freedom Resolution – proposed and passed in modified form this week by GUSA – nominally designed to protect the classroom rights of students from politically biased professors.


The deteriorating state of our union

President George W. Bush continued his assault on progress last night in a strong and forceful tone as he delivered his fifth State of the Union address.


Prisons aren’t the only place to get booked

The District of Columbia government is currently considering a 10-year, $500 million plan to overhaul the city’s public library system.


Election totals aren’t a private affair

After suffering considerable criticism, the Election Commission should be applauded for withdrawing its suggestion that it might withhold all numerical results in the upcoming GUSA executive election. However, it should continue to release full numerical results—not just percentages.


Ignoring Iran could be a deadly decision

President George W. Bush has always claimed he can recognize and defeat threats more effectively than his political rivals. Unfortunately, he has yet to succeed on the latter and tends to bungle the former.


Duke _doesn’t_ suck… and we still won

Many people-on this very campus-seem to be of the opinion that “DUKE SUCKS.” Well, Hoyas, Duke doesn’t suck. Duke is actually very good. And we still beat them.


Davis Center fails to play to students

The Royden B. Davis Performing Arts Center opened to great fanfare last semester after $30 million and a delay of several months. Students hoping to finally see their favorite student productions on a larger stage, however, are set for a sore disappointment.


Residents give red light to SafeRides

The Department of Public Safety took strong action last semester to improve the University’s SafeRides program—but local residents have sought to turn this into yet another needless conflict between the University and the neighborhood.


Always low prices, never responsibility

Last Thursday, the Maryland legislature overrode Governor Robert Ehlrich’s veto and passed a bill requiring Wal-Mart stores to offer affordable insurance to its estimated 17,000 employees, setting a precedent for other states.