
Opinions from the Voice’s official editorial board.


Something queer afoot in the Vatican

This week, the Church released a document reinforcing its ban on ordaining homosexual priests, whether practicing or not, and those who condone homosexuality.


A band-aid on a diversity head wound

When campus groups feel the need to contrive a special floor to create diversity, Georgetown’s homogeneity has clearly gone too far.


High school athletes need to be schooled

There needs to be a closing of the “diploma mill” loophole and stiff penalties for schools that attempt to recruit such athletes.


Stop stalling on safety

The University tends to solve safety problems quickly. A working call box system? Well, that’s more of a challenge.


Take your children to the movies!

The socially conscious film is making a profitable comeback, with recent movies such as Jarhead, Good Night and Good Luck and Hotel Rwanda focusing on issues of political and social import.


The Sarcastic Third: Men, machines and Marion Barry

When it comes to insane, idiotic publicity stunts, ex-mayor and current city council member Marion Barry totally outdid himself last week.


Clean up WASA’s act

A whistle blower who was fired in 2003 by the D.C. Water and Sewer Authority for exposing the dangerous levels of lead in the city’s water was ordered reinstated last week.


A new type of sex offense

Unprotected sex was the crime that will put Sundiata Basir in jail for 21 years. This may sound excessive, but Basir, a former D.C. government employee, is HIV positive.


Give ’em hell, Harry!

Last week we saw new leadership and a new party when Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) took the Senate into secret session to demand answers on Iraq intelligence.


Promote science on campus

It is difficult to dispute Georgetown’s relative inadequacy in terms of science facilities.


A real American hero

In honoring Rosa Parks in The Capitol Rotunda, we as a nation have taken one more step towards an ideal we must never tire of pursuing.


The Funny Third: Scraping up the leftovers

With I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby’s indictment fresh off the presses, we think it is a good idea to beat out the competition and invite Scooter to join us here in academia.


Paying away privacy

The federal government wants to easily monitor all of your electronic transmissions and it wants the University to foot the bill.


Hailing higher prices

Next time you sit down in a Washington taxicab, you might see the bright red lights of a meter.


Tending to the flock

Whatever your creed, or lack thereof, it is not hard to appreciate the basic moral teachings of the Church.


Support our troops

Putting aside personal stances on the war in Iraq, it is important to remember that the soldiers putting their lives on the line were leading normal lives like the rest of us two-and-a-half years ago.


Expand benefits to same-sex partners

Members of the Benefits Advisory Committee and the President’s Executive Committee should endorse the new proposal that would give gay or lesbian partners and other domiciled adults access to University health care plans.


Don’t stop donating

Americans as a whole have donated generously to relief efforts, but this is not enough. As individuals, we must make sacrifices in order to give more.


Hand-in-hand with the ANC

The Advisory Neighborhood Commission came through for Georgetown in a big way last week when it approved plans to build a multisport complex and new business school building in the middle of campus.


Georgetown and bioethics

Last week, Dr. Edmund Pellegrino, a Georgetown professor emeritus of medicine and medical ethics, began his tenure as chair of the President’s Council on Bioethics.