
Opinions from the Voice’s official editorial board.


By the Numbers

1,000,000 Number of mourners viewing the Pope’s body in Rome. 3 Number of U.S. Presidents viewing the Pope’s body in Rome. 1 Number of Popes known by Georgetown undergraduates during... Read more


Our Georgetown is better

After years of work, nights of planning and, for a few dedicated students, over a week of starvation, the University has an acceptable living wage policy.


A man, a plan, a working housing lottery

The Byzantine housing lottery now has a chance to get unkinked.


The press box sounds nice, but …

As the grass gets torn up and the stands are taken down on Harbin field, students may be fooled into believing that the construction there is a further sign of progress on campus.


By the Numbers

$100 Million Amount of money stolen from consumers by the National Consumer Council, Debt Management Foundation Services Inc. and Better Budget Financial Services Inc. $25 Million Money they will be... Read more


Direct Quote

Seal Clubbing Edition


Hungry for compromise

Now, both the Living Wage Coalition and the University administration are slowing down the process towards a viable living wage proposal. It’s time to remember that both groups have reasonable goals and both deserve a reasonable compromise.


Standard Affluence Test

This intense preparation, coupled with the general discrepancy in education in the United States, has left a yawning gap between the scores of poorer students, especially blacks and Hispanics, and those of the wealthy. Despite the new revision of the test, not enough is being done to address the inequality in education in our country.


By the Numbers

23/64 Fraction of teams in the Men’s NCAA Basketball tournament that cannot graduate 50 percent of their players. 6/64 Fraction of teams in the Women’s NCAA Basketball tournament that cannot... Read more


Direct Quote

“Social Insecurity Edition”


A higher standard

The days of the stereotypically stupid student athlete may be drawing to an end.


The University sells out

Choosing to sell the Wormley school shows that this administration still hasn’t learned the lessons of Georgetown history.


The Middle East: A hotbed of … democracy?

Could it be that democracy has finally arrived in Lebanon?


By the Numbers

76 percent Percentage of Americans who support the public display of the Ten Commandments. 35 percent Percentage of non-Christian Americans who believe Jesus was the son of God 4 percent... Read more


Direct Quote

“Wisdom and Guidance Edition”


Boxed out

Better hope you don’t get mugged anytime soon: that emergency phone you’re running to probably won’t be working because, after months of delay, the campus emergency phone system remains mostly inoperable.


Gays and Guns do not an argument make

On Monday, the war for America’s hearts and minds over the issue of Social Security privatization began with a small Internet ad. On the left, a picture of a soldier is emblazoned with a red “x;” to the right a gay couple kissing is endorsed by a green check.


One toke over the line

We’re going to miss you, Hunter S. Thompson.


By the numbers

80 percent Percentage of Major League Baseball players who use steroids, according to former player Jose Canseco. 5 percent Percentage of MLB players who use steroids, according to MLB. 50... Read more


Direct Quotes

“Cognitive Dissonance Edition”