
Opinions from the Voice’s official editorial board.


By the numbers

80 percent Percentage of Major League Baseball players who use steroids, according to former player Jose Canseco. 5 percent Percentage of MLB players who use steroids, according to MLB. 50... Read more


Direct Quotes

“Cognitive Dissonance Edition”


Re-check, please?

In yet another example of administrative fiscal irresponsibility, Georgetown’s Board of Directors voted to increase tuition last Tuesday.


Bad delivery

The Examiner’s selective delivery route is unfair and racist, and District residents should boycott the paper until this policy ends.


Attention, Wal-Mart workers

Apparently, if your company is big enough and rich enough, you can get away with anything.


By the numbers

$53 Million Record amount spent by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, a business interest group, lobbying the government. $59.5 Million Campaign contributions by all Labor interest groups in 2004 $.37... Read more


Direct Quotes

“Softballs Edition”


Huff/Fremstad for GUSA Executive

For the 2005 Georgetown University Student Association executive board election, the Editorial Board of the Georgetown Voice endorses the ticket of Nilou Huff (SFS ‘06) and Anders Fremstad (CAS ‘06).


Don’t let the door hit you on your way out

The largest nationally recognized fraternity is coming to Georgetown-let’s hope it doesn’t stay.


By the numbers

$8.8 Billion Amount of money still unaccounted for by the American-controlled Coalition Provisional Government in Iraq since its termination last June. $3 Billion Amount of money cut from non-military programs,... Read more


Direct Quotes – The Homosexual Agenda Edition

Reactions to a gay-themed play performed in a Virginia public school:


The last Iraq ed we’ll write (’til next week)

It’s taken almost two years. It’s cost the lives of 1,436 Americans and wounded thousands. Finally, though, Iraqis voted and the world celebrated. Unfortunately, this euphoria is not yet warranted.


What’s a soldier worth?

The Bush administration has begun to see how much it has shortchanged those who serve, but they have not yet done enough for our servicemen.


Forgetting Freedoms

Have you ever caught yourself thinking that the First Amendment goes too far?


By the numbers

2042 Year President Bush predicted that Social Security funding will be exhausted in his 2005 State of the Union address. 1988 Year then-Congressional Candidate Bush predicted that Social Security would... Read more


Direct quote

“Journalism at its Best Edition”


Oh, SNAP! Metro takes over

Georgetown established the Student Neighborhood Assistance Program with the intention of providing an intermediary between students and the Metropolitan Police Department.


Criminal negligence

Crime has become more visible at Georgetown and it’s time for students to stand up and do something about it.


Making the police obey the law

There’s a simple rule to police brutality, well illustrated by the case of Rodney King: video cameras can both punish unwarranted police violence and act as a deterrent.


By the numbers

$21,500 Amount the Bush Administration paid columnist Maggie Gallagher to promote marriage policies. $241,000 Amount the Bush Administration paid columnist Armstrong Williams to promote education policies. $0 Amount the Bush... Read more