
Opinions from the Voice’s official editorial board.


Catholic identity revisited

On Saturday, Oct. 13, John J. DeGioia was inaugurated as Georgetown University’s 48th president. As the first lay president, DeGioia is in a unique position to influence our Catholic identity.... Read more


Preparing for a new threat

In the wake of recent outbreaks of anthrax nationwide, concerns about a large-scale terrorist attack with chemical or biological weapons are steadily growing. The Bush Administration recently allocated almost $2... Read more


Midnight Sadness

Midnight Madness, a celebration marking the first official practice day of all NCAA basketball teams, is one of the most exciting times of the year. Students come together, teams come... Read more


Ready, Get Set, Go!

When John J. DeGioia is officially inaugurated as Georgetown’s 48th president and as the first lay president of a Jesuit institution in the United States, he will face a number... Read more


The Mayor needs (to hear) you

Last week student representatives to the Advisory Neighborhood Council, the local governmental body that handles off-campus issues related to Georgetown students, helped push through a bill of rights that protects... Read more


Out of line and out of touch

According to the The Associated Press, Vice President Richard Cheney’s wife, Lynne Cheney told the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture that she questioned the value of emphasizing multicultural education... Read more


Speaking out…why not?

The terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 have generated intense national feelings across the country. The majority of Americans are directing these feelings against the perceived “enemy,”?i.e. Osama bin Laden, his... Read more


Rebuilding means moving on

New Yorkers and Americans thank New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and appreciate his leadership following the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11. His efforts have clearly made the healing process... Read more


GPB: good but what next?

New Yorkers and Americans thank New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and appreciate his leadership following the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11. His efforts have clearly made the healing process... Read more


No war against Afghanistan

The United States was attacked on Sept. 11 by a group of evil, vengeful and arrogant terrorists. American officials have determined that the responsibility for these attacks lies with Osama... Read more


Blood lines drawn

American have turned out in droves to support the American Red Cross’ call for blood donors following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Thanks to an outpouring of support, those injured... Read more


Hate has no place on campus

In the wake of last week’s devastating terrorist attacks against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, enraged Americans are desperately searching for someone to blame. The hijackers are already... Read more


University shows support

The Georgetown community?indeed the entire country?suffered emotionally from last week’s terrorist attacks against the Pentagon and World Trade Center. Students lost friends and relatives, and the community lost a professor... Read more


Students should continue being students

A week after last week’s tragedies, most of us don’t quite know how to act. We feel the degree of the tragedy requires us to maintain a certain level of... Read more


GW sends students packing

Last Thursday George Washington University President Stephen Trachtenberg announced that GW will force nearly 5,400 students to leave their Foggy Bottom residence halls in expectation of massive protests for the... Read more


Undoing student community

The Residential Judicial Council has been introduced in all residential halls and apartments campus-wide following what its executives call a successful pilot program last year in New South. The Residential... Read more


Pigs have feelings, too

“One potato, two potato, three potato, pork.” “Life is like a bowl of pork chops.” “I scream, you scream, we all scream for pork loin.” The new advertising campaign for... Read more


Off-Campus and off-base

Once more the University has shown that it does not have the interests of students in mind. This time, proof came in the form of the mandatory off-campus life orientation... Read more


Bringing community apart

Neighborhood residents have always considered University students to be unwelcome and irritating guests in their community. In 1996, they tried to prevent students from voting. It failed. Just last year,... Read more


Making unequal radio waves

Until recently, the Virginia Governor’s race was quiet, which is to say that nothing demanded serious news attention. Democrat Mark Warner, a wealthy Alexandria businessman, was and still is regarded... Read more