
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


Election totals aren’t a private affair

After suffering considerable criticism, the Election Commission should be applauded for withdrawing its suggestion that it might withhold all numerical results in the upcoming GUSA executive election. However, it should continue to release full numerical results—not just percentages.


Ignoring Iran could be a deadly decision

President George W. Bush has always claimed he can recognize and defeat threats more effectively than his political rivals. Unfortunately, he has yet to succeed on the latter and tends to bungle the former.


Duke _doesn’t_ suck… and we still won

Many people-on this very campus-seem to be of the opinion that “DUKE SUCKS.” Well, Hoyas, Duke doesn’t suck. Duke is actually very good. And we still beat them.


Taking the college out of Georgetown

A surreal prelude to study abroad


Escape: it’s not campy

As a current ESCAPE leader, I’ll admit we are aggressive, but I’m continuously reminded that there’s good reason for it.


Language of Arabia

The only people who take early classes are crazy or have jobs. An additional category of “those who hate themselves” can be added for early Arabic classes. During the course of my 15 months or so of Arabic instruction, I’ve fallen into all three categories.


Catalonia: politics at half-mast

Carrying On – a rotating column by voice senior staffers


Davis Center fails to play to students

The Royden B. Davis Performing Arts Center opened to great fanfare last semester after $30 million and a delay of several months. Students hoping to finally see their favorite student productions on a larger stage, however, are set for a sore disappointment.


Residents give red light to SafeRides

The Department of Public Safety took strong action last semester to improve the University’s SafeRides program—but local residents have sought to turn this into yet another needless conflict between the University and the neighborhood.


Always low prices, never responsibility

Last Thursday, the Maryland legislature overrode Governor Robert Ehlrich’s veto and passed a bill requiring Wal-Mart stores to offer affordable insurance to its estimated 17,000 employees, setting a precedent for other states.


Learning the moral of Morales

Why you should care about the Bolivian election


I like my music a little on the trashy side

In defense of country music


A summer evening in Brooklyn Heights

It was one of the hottest days I had witnessed in New York since my arrival, during the summer of 2005.


Saudiana: _Syriana_ as non-fiction

Carrying On – a rotating column by voice senior staffers


Something queer afoot in the Vatican

This week, the Church released a document reinforcing its ban on ordaining homosexual priests, whether practicing or not, and those who condone homosexuality.


A band-aid on a diversity head wound

When campus groups feel the need to contrive a special floor to create diversity, Georgetown’s homogeneity has clearly gone too far.


High school athletes need to be schooled

There needs to be a closing of the “diploma mill” loophole and stiff penalties for schools that attempt to recruit such athletes.


Señoras y señores pasajeros

The culture clash of commuting


Brace yourself for the real world

When I told my friend Marissa I had to go to the orthodontist, she laughed and replied, “I thought we grew out of that phase, like, 10 years ago.” For normal 21-year-olds, that may be true. I’m not so normal.


Inspiration for graduation

Tackling America’s teaching problem Carrying On – a rotating column by voice senior staffers