
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


Letters to the Editor

On Georgetown and Bioethics


Hand-in-hand with the ANC

The Advisory Neighborhood Commission came through for Georgetown in a big way last week when it approved plans to build a multisport complex and new business school building in the middle of campus.


Georgetown and bioethics

Last week, Dr. Edmund Pellegrino, a Georgetown professor emeritus of medicine and medical ethics, began his tenure as chair of the President’s Council on Bioethics.


District Glassmasters

The Funny Third


Palestine speaks: do we hear?

Pictures tell a story seldom heard


Chauvinism: the new feminism

Defending old time charm in the modern age


Saving at Georgetown

This semester, I began working at one of the student-run coffee shops on campus and was appalled to see that my shop doesn’t recycle. At all.


Birthday surprise

Carrying On – a rotating column by senior voice staffers


Ladner’s Golden Parachute

Earlier this week, students and faculty at American University called for the swift resignation of University President Benjamin Ladner.


In the spirit of transparency

Georgetown appears to be following the most basic tenets of the new living wage policy, but that is not enough.


Swiping for New Orleans

It is nice when a big corporation does something good. It is better when you can help out, without having to sacrifice much yourself.


A minority in the majority

Carrying On – a rotating column by voice senior staffers


Saturday morning, 7a.m.

Remembering the friends from the past


Wake me up when it’s over

We came to Boston for the College Jeopardy tryouts.


Bring your cards to the table

What does this mean? I don’t know, I’ll read it anyway … three minutes remaining … oh-ok. So, in conclusion: I’ll read this file, and this card and th-and time’s up.


A sense of security

The results of a recently released survey show that Georgetown students do not feel safe outside of the Healy gates or along Prospect Street. So far, Georgetown administrators have done an excellent job at addressing this issue, and they deserve recognition.


Keep the customer satisfied

Compared with previous years, the lines at the dining hall certainly seem long.


A loud but nonsensical protest

Anti-war activists had an unprecedented opportunity to speak with a unified voice in favor of a clear and responsible plan for Iraq. Instead, the Sept. 24 anti-war march became a fragmented and unclear call for the immediate and reckless withdrawal of troops from Iraq.


By the Numbers

300,000 Number of people at Sept. 24 war protest, according to protest organizers. more than 100,000 Number of people at the protest, according to D.C. police 147,000 Number of U.S.... Read more


Don’t wait ’til next year

Being a baseball fan through good times and bad