
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


What do you drive?

We called it the Bulldozer. A 2000-pound gas-slurping, tar-squashing, gravel-flinging workhouse for 15 straight years. As long as no one stole the battery.


Letters to the Editor

To the Editor: Although disappointed by the inaccuracies in the editorial “Tending to the Flock,” I must in charity believe that they are not intentional. I applaud The Voice’s concern... Read more


Paying away privacy

The federal government wants to easily monitor all of your electronic transmissions and it wants the University to foot the bill.


Hailing higher prices

Next time you sit down in a Washington taxicab, you might see the bright red lights of a meter.


Tending to the flock

Whatever your creed, or lack thereof, it is not hard to appreciate the basic moral teachings of the Church.


We are not Charlotte Simmons

Three true stories about sex at Georgetown


Virtual Insanity

Making games of complex issues


Old man, take a look at your life

Carrying On – a rotating column by voice senior staffers


Support our troops

Putting aside personal stances on the war in Iraq, it is important to remember that the soldiers putting their lives on the line were leading normal lives like the rest of us two-and-a-half years ago.


Expand benefits to same-sex partners

Members of the Benefits Advisory Committee and the President’s Executive Committee should endorse the new proposal that would give gay or lesbian partners and other domiciled adults access to University health care plans.


Don’t stop donating

Americans as a whole have donated generously to relief efforts, but this is not enough. As individuals, we must make sacrifices in order to give more.


The mother of dilemmas

Choosing between career and family, but never education


I once was blind

Everyone has their stock stories, the ones they can tell at awkward social moments. Most involve extreme situations or life-changing moments; mine involves neither.


Reinventing mayorhood – The new reign of Los Angeles Major Antonio Villaraigosa

Carrying On – a rotating column by voice senior staffers


Letters to the Editor

On Georgetown and Bioethics


Hand-in-hand with the ANC

The Advisory Neighborhood Commission came through for Georgetown in a big way last week when it approved plans to build a multisport complex and new business school building in the middle of campus.


Georgetown and bioethics

Last week, Dr. Edmund Pellegrino, a Georgetown professor emeritus of medicine and medical ethics, began his tenure as chair of the President’s Council on Bioethics.


District Glassmasters

The Funny Third


Palestine speaks: do we hear?

Pictures tell a story seldom heard


Chauvinism: the new feminism

Defending old time charm in the modern age