
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


By the Numbers

2,131,180 U.S. prison population in the middle of 2004 3.5 percent Average annual increase in the U.S. prison population since 1995 33 percent Fall in the rate of violent crimes... Read more


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“Decent Republicans Edition”


Terms of endearment

The challenges of a new identity


Recognizing Israels Arabs

Resisting exclusion in the Middle East and on campus


I know what you did last summer

I like to consider my job professional people-watching.


City of lost children – Making the most of a Georgetown education

Carrying On – A rotating column by senior Voice staffers


Shutting down the truth

When you were issued a bad report card in elementary school, you had to bring it back to the teacher with your parents’ signature. That way, you couldn’t hide it from them. But if you’re the President of the United States, hiding your evaluations is apparently just fine.


How to pay for T and A

Is a teaching assistant a worker or a student, and do they have the right to unionize?


The Funny Third: Pro-Environment, Anti-Foolish

Georgetown University has always had a deep and abiding concern for the environment … sort of.


By the Numbers

63 percent Percentage of American Catholics who believe the new pope should give laymen a larger voice in Church policy. 60 percent Percentage of American Catholics who believe the new... Read more


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“Role Reversal Edition”


Drifting away from Jesus: my quest for excommunication

If it’s Jesus you’re interested in, become a Protestant.


Unfounded suspicion or intuition?

I wanted to approach her, but wondered whether it was appropriate, as she had not yet confided in me. How was I even to try to comprehend what she was enduring?


Unemployment ain’t so bad: take no guff from these swine

As a graduating senior, I can think of nothing worse than discussing my life with elder acquaintances who inevitably bestow the following words of wisdom upon me: “I hope you’ve had fun because the college years will be the best ones of your life.”


What we will do in the name of self-image

t the shallowest level, body image obsession can be attributed to boredom and self-centeredness. The worrying is not really about how you look physically, it’s about how you feel about yourself.


Junked Adjunct

Outraged students are now organizing and circulating petitions, but these groups should be reevaluating the target of their attention: the adjunct professor system.


Pro-Life? Pro-Nuance.

The sad reality is that women are still harassed and raped in our society, choices still need to be made, and a society that respects life must also support decisions that are made for a good life.


Planning for Success

Four years can change a lot in a relationship. In the relationship between the University and the Georgetown community, four years can mean a lawsuit, a court order and, last week, the approval of a plan that will move the relationship further down the road.


By the Numbers

$25,000-$30,000 Cost of a new car for the Department of Public Safety $4,500-$7,000 Cost of a new “Chariot” Scooter for the Department of Public Safety Priceless Cost of seeing the... Read more