
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


This Arabic Department isn’t funded by Qatar

Though it looks like Georgetown will soon be setting up shop in the Middle East, the University is not making new progress on the home campus in the Arabic Department.


Where will all the hot librarians go?

The lights are going off earlier and earlier in America’s public libraries these days.


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“Justifiable Homicide Edition”


By the Numbers

1,000,000 Number of mourners viewing the Pope’s body in Rome. 3 Number of U.S. Presidents viewing the Pope’s body in Rome. 1 Number of Popes known by Georgetown undergraduates during... Read more


My fellow graduates … up yours

Looking at all of you, I can’t help but reflect upon what got me to where I am today: Spite. Pure, simple, unadulterated spite.


When all else fails, declare English

While most people on my floor are majoring in Government, International Business, or Something-Important-With-A-Big-Word-In-It, I am an English major.


There’s no crying in baseball …

What I learned over time is that Little League is not supposed to be for self-growth, but for self-actualization. One realizes his lot in life pretty quickly on a Little League team


Losing my religion, and finding it again

From age 13 through my first year of high school, I always went to church alone.



The Georgetown Voice takes all mistakes seriously. We correct all errors of substance in our stories and publish appropriate clarifications as soon as possible. The article entitled “Welcome to the Lunch Bunch” (Voices, March 17, 2005) should have been identified as fiction.


Our Georgetown is better

After years of work, nights of planning and, for a few dedicated students, over a week of starvation, the University has an acceptable living wage policy.


A man, a plan, a working housing lottery

The Byzantine housing lottery now has a chance to get unkinked.


The press box sounds nice, but …

As the grass gets torn up and the stands are taken down on Harbin field, students may be fooled into believing that the construction there is a further sign of progress on campus.


By the Numbers

$100 Million Amount of money stolen from consumers by the National Consumer Council, Debt Management Foundation Services Inc. and Better Budget Financial Services Inc. $25 Million Money they will be... Read more


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Seal Clubbing Edition


Interviewing success: one student’s step-by-step guideInterviewing success: one student’s step-by-step guide

Mr. Doe, sitting here in front of me, thinks that starting off an interview with such a poignant question really puts him in touch with the interviewee and puts us both at ease. Is he serious?


Feeling a bit cynical these days?

The nation is in chaos. What the Terri Schiavo case says about our priorities.


Singin’ in the rain

When Houston floods, he goes out to play


Hungry for idealism on Georgetown’s campus

If you did not support the campaign for a living wage, you should feel guilty. If you never discussed or even thought about the living wage, you should be ashamed of yourself.


Hungry for compromise

Now, both the Living Wage Coalition and the University administration are slowing down the process towards a viable living wage proposal. It’s time to remember that both groups have reasonable goals and both deserve a reasonable compromise.


Standard Affluence Test

This intense preparation, coupled with the general discrepancy in education in the United States, has left a yawning gap between the scores of poorer students, especially blacks and Hispanics, and those of the wealthy. Despite the new revision of the test, not enough is being done to address the inequality in education in our country.