
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


I’m so glad you asked that question!

Hunter S. Thompson did not possess all of the qualities that make a good journalist. But today’s media can learn a lot from him in at least one respect. Thompson was part of a dying breed of reporters who relished his antagonistic relationship with the political establishment, and he was never subtle.


It’s time Georgetown

Queers at Georgetown need a safe haven. It seems only natural that we would be tolerant of race, ethnicity, gender and religion. Why not sexual orientation as well?


Have sex, just not safe sex

The fact that Georgetown University would sell you the KY but not the condom makes me rethink the traditional sex debate on our campus. Sex is not taboo at Georgetown; safe sex is.


Re-check, please?

In yet another example of administrative fiscal irresponsibility, Georgetown’s Board of Directors voted to increase tuition last Tuesday.


Bad delivery

The Examiner’s selective delivery route is unfair and racist, and District residents should boycott the paper until this policy ends.


Attention, Wal-Mart workers

Apparently, if your company is big enough and rich enough, you can get away with anything.


By the numbers

$53 Million Record amount spent by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, a business interest group, lobbying the government. $59.5 Million Campaign contributions by all Labor interest groups in 2004 $.37... Read more


Direct Quotes

“Softballs Edition”


What is Georgetown’s Jesuit Identity?

Sinfully secular or stiflingly Catholic?


Falling for a lazy, overweight, self-centered … cat?

Living with a cat that’s boss of the house, and knows it.


Jumping from a plane … with my mother

My mother asked me to go skydiving with her in the beginning of August, and I suspect her decision to do this came as a bit of a surprise to the both of us.


Wounded animals and accordions? Must be the Metro.

Forget Sartre, Tocqueville and Napoleon. The Metro is what I have learned best while abroad in Paris.


Huff/Fremstad for GUSA Executive

For the 2005 Georgetown University Student Association executive board election, the Editorial Board of the Georgetown Voice endorses the ticket of Nilou Huff (SFS ‘06) and Anders Fremstad (CAS ‘06).


Don’t let the door hit you on your way out

The largest nationally recognized fraternity is coming to Georgetown-let’s hope it doesn’t stay.


By the numbers

$8.8 Billion Amount of money still unaccounted for by the American-controlled Coalition Provisional Government in Iraq since its termination last June. $3 Billion Amount of money cut from non-military programs,... Read more


Direct Quotes – The Homosexual Agenda Edition

Reactions to a gay-themed play performed in a Virginia public school:


Out of the walls and into my shower

Growing up, it was always comforting to know that the sounds in my bedroom walls were not the boogeyman or someone trying to cut the phone lines before slaughtering my family and stealing Mom’s jewelry box


Life’s too short and that’s no tall story

My grandfather believes short people live longer. I’m short, and when he says this I wonder if it’s enough to keep me alive until my blood has thinned and I’m bony and haggard.


Carrying On

In honor of the death of love (see cover story), I’ve decided to go through the old mailbag and find some questions from readers like you?-lonely,emotionally crippled children that you are.


Love, war and that hot miserable son

It used to be that when they got back to the barracks, he would sit and watch the sun rise. The hot, miserable sun that turned everything evil. That sun would come up and bring with it all that they were against, or at least were supposed to be against.