
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


Everything’s better in Japanese

I can’t read that sentence because I do not read, speak or understand Japanese.


Home improvement

For sophomores and juniors who plan to live on-campus next year, the wait to choose their housing is over.


Red light special

A bill to extend the expiration date of cameras on red lights in several Northern Virginia communities was rejected on Monday by the Virginia House of Delegates.


The Funny Third – You’ve got the fever, we’ve got the cure

This week a star-studded coalition of health-related campus organizations surprised the University by coming out with a strong anti-Influenza policy.


By the numbers and Direct quote

90 Number of American casualties in Iraq in the first 17 days of November. 5.53 Average number of soldiers killed per day in November. 1211 Number of American soldiers killed... Read more


Thanksgiving debunked

Like many Americans, you’re probably looking forward to the government-sanctioned gluttony fest known as Thanksgiving.


Congratulations, You’re an Asshole

“He’s an asshole… You’re so much better than him.” Almost every woman has heard it once.


Bow wow… letters from the dog park

Yesterday the biggest dog in the neighborhood, a six-year-old Great Dane named Salisbury, tried to mount my friend’s Jack Russell pup.


What is a Liberal?

What exactly is a “liberal”?


Our lavender nation

In the days following the election, we all saw maps of the United States with each state colored the way its Electoral votes were cast: red for Bush or blue for Kerry


Something rotten in the state of Jersey

New Jersey Democratic governor Jim McGreevey will resign on Monday in the wake of a sex scandal that erupted this summer and exposed his homosexuality to the public.


Agenda bender

President George W. Bush, safely ensconced in office, is preparing to lay out his second term agenda, one most likely to be radically conservative.


By the Numbers and Direct Quote

2.38 million Number of Halo 2 X-Box video games sold in the United States and Canada in the first 24 hours it was on the market. $125 million Revenue earned... Read more



Asses in elephant skin In the aftermath of Bush’s reelection, I thought I’d offer a little advice to melancholy D.C. from faraway Texas. Don’t despair!?Too many people in this country need you right now.?They need your progressive commitment to healthcare, workers’ rights and the minimum wage.



Letters to the Editor


Does anyone else feel a draft in here?

I’m not worried about being drafted. I’m confident that if there is a draft and my number is called, I will be laughed out of the boardroom once they see the results of my physical examination.


The six stages of Bush-based blues

Nauseous, short of breath and a little dizzy, I jumped out of bed and e-mailed a Canadian I’d met while traveling in Europe this past summer.


Tales from a Kerry supporter in France

I have had the unique pleasure of being a French major during George W. Bush’s reign.


Vote or die? We choose death, apparently

Yesterday, 120 million Americans went to the polls.


Back to the future with Marion Barry

Former Mayor Marion Barry made his latest triumphant return to district politics on Tuesday.