
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


Lights, camera, inaction

Although most recent robberies in Georgetown have had students as victims, crime is a community problem.


By the Numbers and Direct Quote

6 Number of people beatified by Pope John Paul II last week.


How to save lives while lying down

Despite the curious spectacle of bulky men in spandex lifting heavy barbells while yelling in Greek or Chinese, I remained fixated on the steady stream of thick, red-black liquid oozing out of my right arm.


A prince finds some answers

I finally made rice and beans.


“i am”

Who am I? We’ve all heard the question. But is it something we are all constantly questioning and redefining? For me, proclaiming who I am became a process of understanding my space and place in a social context, and finally giving myself the agency to choose how I identify as a white, lesbian woman.


Lock ’em out

Last weekend the University implemented new security procedures in the LXR-Nevils-Walsh complex in response to several armed robberies that occurred in West Georgetown over the past two weeks.


Don’t call us, we’ll call you

No longer will families on the Federal “Do-Not-Call” list be confused as to whether the oven is buzzing or the phone is ringing.


Space camp: even better than band camp

Last week, mankind made a giant leap forward-again.


By the Numbers and Direct Quote

6 Number of Vice Presidents alive in 2004 98 Age of oldest Vice President when he died 14 Number of Vice Presidents who have been elected President 33 Percentage of... Read more


No whites allowed (but segregationists welcome)?

I wanted the sign as soon as I saw it. My wife and I were attending a black memorabilia fair at the Montgomery County Fairgrounds in Gaithersburg, Maryland last spring, and on my way to the Negro Baseball League gear, I encountered a display of framed “Colored Only” signs that once infamously adorned restrooms, water fountains and other public facilities.


Throwing it into drive

The car roared, wheels spinning, and slammed through the garage wall and straight into my dinning room, knocking the china cabinet over along the way. Apparently, I’d mistakenly hit the gas and now the car, without a scratch on it, sat in my dining room, making a slow, shrill beeping noise.


Sex, drugs and sex on drugs


I drag deeply on the mouthpiece, slowly counting down in my head as the acrid fumes fill my lungs, relaxing me. I exhale and lean my head back against my overstuffed chair. I let my eyes lazily drift around the room before slipping the inhaler back into my pocket.


Student loan swindle

Add another tax-revenue draining loophole to the list of errors on the part of the federal government.


Gunning for a change

Guns in the district? Thanks, but no thanks, Congress.


Field of dreams, schools of nightmares

Baseball, but still no books.


Tall tales in a fly-over state

Wisconsin is one of those states that I just never thought I’d visit.


What would Georgia O’Keeffe have majored in?

Unlike a School of Foreign Service junior politico or a pre-med science prodigy, I came to college armed only with the vague notion that I liked “the humanities.”


There’s no place like it

To my surprise, I discovered that I don’t wake up happy very often anymore.


Civilizing underage drinking

Anyone who has been to a college campus on a weekend night knows that criminal penalties don’t do much to stop underage drinking.


Fight for your right

Student rights and responsibilities are a constant issue at Georgetown.