
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


Brits and Bush

This week President George W. Bush kicked off a state visit to the United Kingdom. With him traveled an unprecedented and excessive security force. Critics believe that the president is using security concerns as an excuse to quash protests. Bush’s security extravaganza seems excessive, especially as a response to concerns about protests.


Hip-hop, hurray!

VOICES BY SCOTT CONROY I’ve never liked rap that much. I don’t have anything against the genre, it just never resonated with me. Other than buying an MC Hammer tape in 1990, my exposure to hip-hop has been limited to what has been thrown at me on the radio and whatever my roommate is listening to at the time.


Correkshuns and apolajeez

Sometimes in the insane rush to meet deadlines (that once-every-three-weeks column has a tendency to sneak up on you), mistakes have been made that should never have made it to press. For this, my editors are entirely to blame. But I will be the bigger man and accept partial responsibility for errors that I had very little to do with.


Avoiding another housing fiasco

As a junior class representative in the Georgetown University Student Assembly I would like to express my disappointment with the new residential point system that will possibly create a housing fiasco in the upcoming year. Since the annoucement of the new hosuing selection system, many have complained that student input was not gathered and taken into account when formulating the current housing eligibility process.


Letter to the Editor

After reading Dominic Nardi’s piece on six hours spent in a D.C. jail (Nov. 13, “Tale of a Georgetown jailbird,” Voices) I felt thoroughly disgusted at his attempt to draw a parallel between his own life and those of millions of people in Myanmar who suffer under the dicatatorial rule of the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC) that is in control of the country.


Improvements in Housing

How on-campus housing is distributed is an issue close to students’ hearts. Plenty of students remember the first time they saw the Village A Rooftops, or the first time they realized they absolutely needed to have a Henle single, or their depression upon moving into Darnall.


Impending paranoia

There are many good reasons why Hoyas should breathe a big sigh of relief after receiving the news of the expansion of the Big East conference, which will take effect in the 2004-05 season. While the addition of Cincinnati, DePaul, Louisville, Marquette and South Florida to the league will have a positive impact on the competition level of many sports Georgetown participates in, the effects will be felt most on the hardwood floors of the MCI Center.


Serving abroad

After four or five intense semesters at Georgetown, most students consider their time abroad as a time to relax while perhaps enjoying a few alcoholic beverages. While adapting to a foreign environment and immersing oneself in a foreign language is certainly challenging, the workload abroad tends to be much lighter than a semester spent at Georgetown.


So Much for The City, The Thrills, Virgin

The Thrills are not another one of the garage-revivalist bands with the requisite “The” in the band title. They are a five-piece group from Dublin whose pop-rock songs unabashedly evoke The Monkees, The Beach Boys and other masters of the ‘60s craft that so galvanized the ladies.


The residue of that feeling

VOICES BY ROB ANDERSON I never met Daniel, but I am still crying two weeks after the night he died. He graduated from Amherst College that week and he was home on Long Island relaxing and preparing to move into the city. While driving home from the grocery store on a Wednesday afternoon, he was hit by a bus.


Tale of a Georgetown jailbird

Languishing in jail for six hours provided me with one of the most educating and enlightening experiences of my time at Georgetown. Several weeks ago, I, along with two other students and a former Burmese political prisoner, Aung Din, was arrested at a protest in front of the Burmese embassy.


Continuous reconstruction

On Monday, Georgetown University hosted the “Afghanistan-America Summit on Recovery and Reconstruction,” a half-day affair in Gaston Hall that featured speakers from Afghanistan’s two year-old government, several American officials, and a panel of journalists from American publications.


Letter to the Editor

Clarification of Mauney resolution opposition I would like to clarify a citation in the Nov. 6 issue of the Voice that indicated that the Knights of Columbus had pledged their opposition to Matt Mauney’s GUSA resolution (“GUSA rejects affirmative of Arinze address,” News).



The author of the Nov. 6 cover story “Finding that need for speed” was Bill Cleveland.


We’ll drink to that

In an effort to accurately assess the drinking culture at Georgetown, the Office of Planning and Institutional Research e-mailed a survey to all undergraduates last week. It asks students to answer a series of questions about their own drinking habits and general perceptions of the role that drinking plays for the majority of Georgetown students.


A new hospital for D.C.

Southeast Washington has had a rough time over the past few years. Politicians and residents were up in arms when Mayor Anthony Williams announced the closure of D.C. General Hospital, one of two full-service hospitals in the District’s poorest quadrant in 2001.


Hungry like the Wolfowitz

Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, in a speech delivered last Thursday in Gaston Hall, discussed the American invasion of Iraq and reflected on his recent trip there. “We had a fairly exciting trip to Iraq this weekend,” he noted. His speech had some great lines, including one rather evangelical-sounding claim: “Today there is plenty of good news in Iraq.


A hipster’s life of longing

I’ve spent the better part of this past year trolling through various movies, with the help of Netflix.com, the local arthouses, the well-appointed new Loews on K Street and a car.Of the many, from subte and profound to bombastic and Bruckheimerian, only one has truly captivated me: Kill Bill, Vol.


Fear and loathing in Lyon

VOICES BY KATHRYN KING I’m no longer a fan of cat stationery, horse figurines or T-shirts with zoo scenes airbrushed onto them, if I ever was. Animal memorabilia may be juvenile and trashy, but real animals are more appealing. At least I feel more affection for them than some of my friends who wish they were all eradicated.


Letter to the Editor

As a cosignatory of the original petition that prompted the Senate’s resolution rejecting Cardinal Arinze’s Commencement comments, I am saddened by the University administration’s unresponsiveness to the Senate’s concerns, as reported in your article of October 30.