
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


Living in the border region

I have read that the term “culture shock,” is used more for its well-known connotations rather than its literal dictionary definition. In other words, we throw the expression around a lot, but its precise meaning is limited to a specific situation. It’s not just confusion or awe due to the sheer difference of a new place or society.


Everybody don’t do the Bartman

VOICES BY DAVE STROUP I write this as the Cubs are down by three to the Marlins in game seven of the National League Championship Series. As you read this, you will know how the game came out. However, I am not watching the game. Instead, I am here writing about the tragedy of game six.


Get the word out

The Lecture Fund should be congratulated for bringing Michael Moore to speak at Georgetown. After more than ten years as a cult figure among liberal college students, known mostly for his documentary Roger and Me as well as his television series and books, Moore entered the mainstream with the release of his Oscar-winning film Bowling for Columbine last year.


We’re number … 20?

The November issue of The Atlantic Monthly includes a series of articles on the college admissions process. The pieces chronicle the long-term trend towards nationwide competition in American education. Entitled “Our First Annual College Admissions Survey,” the feature also includes a chart, much like that found each year in U.


How to solve everything

In the eyes of many college applicants, student amenities are quickly outstripping more established criterion for judging schools, such as student-teacher ratios, historical prestige or the amount of financial aid the school is willing to provide. Colleges are responding, and the race is on.


Gettin’ my betrothal on

VOICES BY DREW LIN Most students who desire to spend time in a foreign country fritter away countless hours in time-consuming language classes ruminating on subjunctive usage, memorizing declensions, and chicken-scratching kanji character sets (the academic equivalent of gulag slave labor) .


Pizza, sex and Santa Claus

Being a student guard isn’t all about fast women and loose cars like so many people think it is. It takes a lot more to be one of Georgetown’s elite, as the following excerpts from the diary of a retired guard proves: 8:15 p.m.-Arrive for my 8 p.m. shift right on time, try not to acknowledge the angry glares from the previous guard as he packs up his science fiction novels and coloring books.


A toast to integration

Recently there has been much discussion regarding the need to revise the current alcohol policy on campus. The FRIENDS group brought the debate to the forefront once again by submitting a proposal five weeks ago to revise the current alcohol policy.


Letter to the Editor

Overlooked arts community

I read your article detailing the groundbreaking ceremony for the Performing Arts Center and its implications for the new Program in Performing Arts and the University community overall with a great sense of anticipation (“Arts center construction begins,” News, Oct.



The photo caption for “At VMI, turnovers cost football first win” (Sports, Oct. 2) attributed Andrew Crawford as a sophomore. Crawford is a junior.


Tailgating without tailgates

The annual Homecoming tailgate is going to look a lot different this year. The event has been moved from Lot T next to the Leavey Center to the McDonough Gymnasium parking lot, and no cars will be admitted to the tailgate area because of a lack of available space.


More unnecessary rules

For the past two weekends, Residence Life has limited residents of University townhouses to no more than four registered parties per weekend night. According to Dmitry Vovchuk, hall director for Alumni Square and University townhouses, the new cap is intended to limit weekend activity to a “legitimate number of parties” in order to address concerns over trash, noise and excess foot traffic.


The power to improve

Power outages, whether storm-induced or not, inconvenience thousands of people, take time and labor to fix, and paralyze economic activity. The utility industry wants to get power back on as much as their customers want them to-no power means no billing for power.


The blunt end of the hurricane

When the lights went out, I was sitting on my couch, watching a Harrison Ford movie. In retrospect, I wish I had been up on the Village A rooftops catching Isabel full in the face. Instead, after a muddy round of tackle football, I retreated indoors, possibly due to my roommates’ infectious paranoia in the face of Mother Nature.


Life as a washed up celebrity look-alike

VOICES BY SCOTT CONROY I notice her gaze out of the corner of my eye. She’s hovering above me, as I sit at a table in Darnall, where I’m enjoying a meal with a friend. I make eye contact, and she flashes me a coy smile. Shooting a quick glance behind her shoulder, she receives a wave from her friend, indicating that she should go through with it.


Memo: How to ‘act’ sober

Last Saturday, inundated with so much work, I decided to stay in and read. Unfortunately, I happened to witness the remnants of someone else’s night on the town when I went downstairs. As I stepped into the elevator, however, I realized that someone had broken about three-fourths of the elevator lights in the brand new elevator.


Letters to the Editor

“Creative expression is ageless”

I enjoyed spending time with reporters Chris Norton and Mary Katherine Stump during last weekend’s Georgetown Independent Film Festival-an annual venue celebrating creativity, originality and uninhibited personal expression.


Ready for Isabel

Empirical evidence has now demonstrated that, like werewolves in a full moon, Georgetown students go insane during hurricanes. On Thursday night, in the thick of Isabel, students were doing things that they probably need to do more often-mud wrestling on the front lawn, bonging beers in the driving wind on Village A’s rooftops accompanied by chants of “IS-A-BEL! IS-A-BEL!”, making out in the rain, and generally rocking like a hurricane.


When bedfellows unite

The Knights of Columbus, and AFIRMS are about as dissimilar as any two campus groups at Georgetown. The first is a longstanding pro-life Catholic fraternity, the second a group of mostly female students committed to changing the University’s policies regarding sexual assault.


Father Pat: You’ll be missed

Ask a first-year student to name a Jesuit priest at Georgetown, and “Father Pat” will most likely be their response. What’s really surprising is that he could probably name them as well. Rev. Patrick Conroy, S.J. has been well known during his years at Georgetown as a Jesuit who knows students, and the students will miss him when he leaves for Jesuit High School in Oregon in December.