
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


Men’s soccer yet to get on the ball

The Hoyas dropped another Big East contest Sunday, losing 2-1 to No. 8 Notre Dame at Alumni Field in South Bend, Ind. The Hoyas drop to 3-4-2 overall and 1-3-0 in the Big East.

Notre Dame was first to get on the scoreboard when senior forward Justin Detter scored on a perfect cross from fellow senior-midfielder Chad Riley and senior-midfielder Kevin Richards in the 28th minute.


Last days of summer

The anthropologist Arjun Appadurai suggests in his analysis of the age of globalization that we can trace the international flow of identities and culture by following a particular good or idea. We can note each permutation and appropriation of that idea as a unique glimpse into the lives of global consumers.


A culinary renaissance

My personal and highly arbitrary definition of art is that it is something that brings the viewer or participant a little closer to the sacred that resides within the artist. When art was the subject of countless philosophers’ attentions, it was relegated to four basic spheres: visual, auditory, performative, and rhetorical.


Oh, Isabel

VOICES BY VANESSA MACHIR Let me explain something. I do not strip. I do not get naked. Unless nudity is an intrinsic requirement of a situation, the clothes stay on at all times. Not during the most aggressive heat strokes or my most embarrassingly drunken moments have I ever felt the urge to disrobe.


Letters to the Editor

I was disappointed to see Dave Stroup’s column on vouchers (“Vouching for D.C.,”News, Sept. 18) that amounted not only to a thinly veiled attack on school choice.


Improving SafeRides

While a greater percentage of Georgetown University students are living on campus, the need for greater attention to off-campus safety issues remains as pressing as before. Just this week, the Metropolitan Police Department arrested a suspected armed robber who entered a second-story residence early hours of the morning.


A campus wasteland

While walking her dog up the library steps on Sunday morning, a Georgetown resident looked down to see that she and her dog were wading through broken glass. To her left, underneath the benches on the landing, hundreds of beer cans were cluttered, remnants of a crazy Saturday night.



Last week’s edition of The Voice contained an editorial which criticized what we believed were ineffective modifications made to the lockdown policy (“Lockdown: a partial fix,” Sept. 11).


My man wears a gorilla suit

VOICES BY ANNE GLIDDEN Each week, one of my favorite activities is to read the “I Saw You” section of the Washington City Paper. Admittedly, it’s a rather dorky way to celebrate the passing of yet another week, but I do enjoy ordering my overpriced Evil Empire from Uncommon Grounds and cozying up with the City Paper.


Fear mongering is my anti-drug

Like most first-years coming to Georgetown, I had a difficult time adjusting to college life. I was nervous about making new friends and being in a different environment. I was beset by problems and self-doubt; my parents had just been brutally murdered and, worst of all, I was fat.


The great Bengali monsoon wedding

There is a scene in Mira Nair’s film, Monsoon Wedding, where the bridegroom asks his fianc?, handpicked by his parents, about the odd similarity between an arranged marriage and a “love match?” “Well, how much more risky can this arranged marriage thing be from meeting one night in a noisy and smoky bar and hooking up?” he asks.


Letter to the Editor

I want to congratulate Rob Anderson and Mike DeBonis on their centerfold article on the Southwest Quadrangle (“Our campus, our space,” Cover, Sept. 11). It is well written and shows considerable knowledge of architecture. And I laughed out loud when I read, “If God is in the architectural details, Georgetown lost its faith long ago.


DPS should patrol off-campus

Crime has recently hit closer and closer to home for Georgetown students. Just three days ago, a student entered her home on 33rd Street to find two strangers rummaging through her purse. Only two blocks from LXR, in an area that still feels much like a part of the student community, her home was the target of a crime.


Metro’s NFL woes

“Pay up, or else,” is the message that Metro is sending to the National Football League regarding special service for last week’s NFL Kickoff celebration. So far, the NFL has refused to pay a $57,000 bill for expanded services to accommodate fans heading to the National Mall.


Editor’s note

The editorial, “Lockdown: a partial fix,” has been removed from the website due to errors of fact. The Voice will run a correction in next week’s issue.


The war on sharing

VOICES BY DAVE STROUP This Tuesday signified a landmark victory for copyright integrity and intellectual property security worldwide. The Recording Industry Association of America settled with Brianna LaHara, a resident of a Manhattan housing project. Like many who fall between the cracks of society and turn to crime, LaHara led a double life. By day, she attended middle school and was on the honor roll. By night, she was one of the nation’s most wanted music pirates.


Letter to the Editor

I find it ironic that Dave Stroup’s Sept. 4 article “D.C. on Speed” appears in the same issue as an article regarding an injury to a fellow student due to a careless and speeding driver (“Student hit by Mercedes SLK,” News). While I take issue with Stroup’s factually and legally unfounded assertion that Attorney General Ashcroft is hiding “cameras in smoke detectors,” it is his closing editorialization-”the system is flawed”-that is inappropriate in a news article.



In “A boathouse at last?” (Cover, Sept. 4), the statement, “Various planning and historic preservation groups, such as the Old Georgetown Board, the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts, the Georgetown Waterfront Commission and the National Capital Planning Commission, gave their enthusiastic approval to the boathouse plans,” is incorrect.


Our worsening body image

Cultural elites-and by elites I basically mean yuppies-love to compete. Some might say that’s why they’re rich. You go to Georgetown, so you’ve probably noticed this. They compete for everything. Schools, grades, clothes, boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, wives, rings, rocks, cars, apartments, starter mansions, pets, children, and finally schools for their children.


Dumb and Dubya

The President of the United States, George W. Bush, is not blessed with “darn good intelligence,” and I’m not talking about the CIA reports he was given. That’s right, he is not a smart man. The most common reaction to the above assertion goes something like this: “That’s not true.