
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


Better than hydro

In his State of the Union address, President George W. Bush explained his National Energy Policy, an energy plan which breaks definitively with Republicans of the past who have not advocated environmentally-friendly policies. Bush claims that he has presented an energy plan that is environmentally sound and progressive in the development of “technology and innovation,” citing his effort to earmark $1.


How to make Hoya love

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and I make the ladies sweat. That’s why the Voice begged me to write this article. What, the editors wondered, can we find out about “the life of love” from the hottest thing to hit the Georgetown campus since Tabasco and Jesuits? Plenty, I say.


Kickin’ it in the badlands

I think my erudite and well-read English professor should start pronouncing Gustav Flaubert’s name in a cheap, Americanized fashion: Flaw-burt. He should continue his French literary name-dropping as usual but just mispronounce Flaubert’s name on purpose: Bordieu, Foucault, Sartre, Flaw-burt.


Just four rugs?

“Excuse me, is this your child?” the waiter asked. We must have been an odd sight—an American couple dining at a Dallas family restaurant with what appeared to be a gangly six-year-old Brit. After being assured that I was not, in fact, the victim of an elaborate trans-Atlantic kidnapping scheme and that we had just lived abroad for a while, he left us alone without informing the police.


Letter to the Editor

As members of Advocates for Improved Response Methods to Sexual Assault (AFIRMS), we applaud the Georgetown Voice for its endorsement of our proposed changes to the sexual assault policy. The editors have clearly examined our reports carefully with the interests of students in mind.


Letter to the Editor

Mike DeBonis’ column (“Trash Talk,” Feb. 6) was reasonably well-written, which is to be applauded. However, the sanctimonious attitude he exhibits is not. The article ends with the paragraph, “Do yourself a favor if you’re a talk radio junkie or a HoyaTalk regular: Break out of the cycle and take a few minutes to get the real story.


Change the sexual assault policy

On Jan. 22, the Advocates for Improved Response Methods to Sexual Assault (AFIRMS) group released an analysis of Georgetown’s sexual assault policy and adjudication process to more than 30 student affairs administrators. AFIRMS puts forth a series of valuable recommendations for altering the University’s Student Code of Conduct, adjudication system and disclosure policy and the administration should give them serious consideration.


Detached, ironically

If college is a part of my formative years, then it is safe to say that I am still developing the basic paradigms through which I view the world. I don’t just mean my stance on political systems such as representative democracy or bureaucratic authoritarianism, or how to choose an appropriate theoretical economic framework with which to analyze the Mexican debt crisis of 1982.


Letter to the Editor

I appreciate your article about ANSWER (“In the Anti-war Movement is Only One ANSWER Right?” Jan. 30). While it is nice that there is such a large organization opposed to war, it is not the only movement. I am a member of the Libertarian Party, a group you would find holding “Starbucks in Iraq” signs before any sort of Marxist Revolutionist propaganda.


Delicious any way you pronounce it

“Koichi, could you read the following passage to the class?” Every new semester, my professors find a new way to say my name. For just a second, I think about correcting the mispronunciation, but my instinctual unwillingness to stir the pond takes over. As the situation continues, some classmates shoot me half-embarrassed glances as they uneasily wait for my reaction.


Kiss those group projects goodbye

MOB. MOC. MIS. No, they’re not airport codes or even covert military operations. They are the links that comprise a backbone of BS, a.k.a. the MSB. My failure to understand the McDonough School of Business does not stem from COL pride. Hurt pride, perhaps, but had it not been for the confessions of MSB students themselves, I would still be in the dark about Georgetown’s business program and consequently, the invalidity of its very existence.


It starts from the top

Georgetown University Athletic Director Joe Lang’s comments in the Washington Post last week defending embattled men’s basketball Head Coach Craig Esherick angered many Hoyas fans. Amid criticism following embarrassing losses to St. John’s and Seton Hall, Lang praised Esherick for averaging 21 wins in his three full seasons as head coach, extolled the team’s high graduation rate (84 out of 86 players on Esherick’s watch) and argued that it is “unreasonable” to expect the Hoyas to reach the NCAA tournament every year.


Image isn’t everything

In response to complaints of a lack of police presence, last week D.C. Metropolitan Police Chief Charles Ramsey ordered all police cruisers to flash their blue and red rooftop lights at all times, the first mandate of its kind in the United States. The idea came from Ramsey’s recent trip to Jerusalem to observe the anti-terror tactics used by its city police, which include using police car rooftop lights in a similar fashion.


Look who’s talking

Georgetown is too often knocked for its “pre-professional” orientation: So it goes, students here would rather press flesh and pad resumes than learn without a motive or ambition in mind. Still, many of us are ready to wait in excessive lines to hear top speakers, class credit be damned, and over the past months, students have had more reasons than ever to stand in line, thanks to a wealth of fine speakers on campus.


Thinking about the way he lived it

I think of my dad and Ronnie, little boys in Bayonne, chasing the ball in the street, watching the boats arriving at the docks and the boats departing, watching the water wash ashore and then recede; two boys marveling with child-eyed wonder at life’s comings and goings.


My parents never told me about that

When I was 12 years old, I had my first and last conversation about sex with my mother. She and I were walking to the back of a drugstore to pick up a prescription, and we happened to walk down the “Family Planning” aisle. I stopped in front of the massive wall of prophylactics, turned to my mother and said, “I think it’s time you bought me some condoms.


Letter to the Editor

As a proud Rochesterian, I feel I need to respond to Carlie Danielson’s section of The Voice’s Spring Break article (“Spring Break 2003: Destination America,” Jan. 16). While your first paragraph painted an accurate picture of Rochester’s mundane suburban life, your second paragraph on the so-called “trash plates” was purely blasphemous.


A more perfect union

According to the Georgetown University Alumni and Student Federal Credit Union’s website, the Credit Union “makes members its main priority.” While the declaration to provide excellent service to students and alumni is an admirable goal, so far this year GUASFCU has fallen far short.


Good riddance

In Dec. 1996, former ANC Commissioners Patricia Scolaro, Beverly Jost and Westy Byrd filed suit against the D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics, claiming its refusal to investigate students’ residential status violated residents’ civil rights by registering students to vote.


Size matters

Last Saturday in front of the United States Capitol, protesters, including over 100 Georgetown students, demonstrated against the impending war against Iraq. Lots of protesters. Just how many protesters, or even a rough approximation of the number, nobody knows.