
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


The hidden cost of study abroad

Ten months ago, almost to the day, I got on a plane bound for Paris, France. I was spending the semester there in hopes of improving my French and acquiring a Givenchy wardrobe like Audrey Hepburn in Sabrina.

Actually, that’s not entirely true. I went abroad because I had to and because I knew it would be good for me.


Can’t touch this

This past weekend, I had the great opportunity of attending the Gloria Steinem Leadership Institute at the University of North Carolina. If the name of the event was not cause enough for chagrin, thanks to my right-wing neighbors, the troubles I met on my way down certainly added fuel to the fire.


Where was yo’ Pumas made?

Sometimes amidst the chaos of midterms, midnight coffee runs, Darnall delicacies, rainbows of posters tacked to every corner of campus and screaming, intoxicated students hanging perilously from the rooftop of Village A, I ask myself: “What exactly am I doing here?”

I think I know the answer; in fact, I think we all know the answer.


Committee meeting

On Wednesday night, the Student Committee on Student-Community Interaction held a Town Hall Meeting at Washington International School to present a preliminary list of proposals meant to alleviate the concerns... Read more


Bring home the vote

In the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks, those who favor D.C. statehood have intensified their efforts at gaining Congressional representation for the District’s 571,000 residents. Since District taxes will... Read more


The need for civil rights

In the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks, lawmakers have focused heavily on national security. To bolster the national investigation, President Bush has expanded law enforcement agencies’ powers to detain... Read more


South of Eden

Outside of the Voice office on the fourth floor of the Leavey Center, there is a bathroom. Every time I go to the bathroom, there is always toilet paper, soap... Read more


GPB, Lecture Fund ticket practices unfair

The system that Georgetown Program Board and Lecture Fund use to hand out tickets for their programs is ridiculous. I know that this opinion is not just mine, and there... Read more


Don’t panic; it’s only war

I’m sitting in my living room, flipping through the channels, and it occurs to me: We’re at war. And where are all the news cameras at 6 o’clock? Kabul? Nope.... Read more


Abolish the illogical

The death penalty is an issue I have always felt strongly about. It represents much of what people hate about America: a daily reminder of the contradictions in our ideologies... Read more


Taking control

According to the Rape Crisis Center, one out of three women and one out of very four men will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. But for one week in... Read more


Safety first

According to the Rape Crisis Center, one out of three women and one out of very four men will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. But for one week in... Read more


Cheating your way at the top?

Last week The Washington Post asked public and private school district officials in Maryland, Virginia and the District how they would respond when student leaders cheat on tests. Nearly every... Read more


Letters to the Editor

The Voice posed the question recently of whether or not the Department of Public Safety has in mind the best interests of Georgetown students. The answer is an indisputable yes.... Read more


Not far enough

Last year, someone asked me if I was capable of writing a column that didn’t mention gay people. The implicit question was, “Why do I always have to talk about... Read more


Blood, terrorism and justice

The U.S. government’s handling of the “War on Terrorism” reeks of hypocrisy and contradiction. America claims to be defending the lofty ideals of freedom, justice and human rights, yet at... Read more


Speak freely or hold your piece

The announcement last week of the Speech and Expression Committee’s revised policy on anonymous publications on campus has thrown student leaders and campus publications into a relative frenzy, as the... Read more


Hurting for knowledge

In an effort to limit violence in District public schools, the District’s Board of Education is proposing changes to the existing law that would give teachers greater authority to use... Read more


Virginia’s easy choice

The Virginia Governor’s race offers an unambiguous choice for state voters. Republican candidate Mark Earley will continue Governor Jim Gilmore’s pattern of irresponsible budgetary policy and preaches intolerant social values.... Read more


The politics of dancing

Some people don’t like to dance. I’m not one of these people; I happen to love to dance. My father, however, is one of the anti-happy feet people. In 21... Read more