
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


Cheque this out

This weekend is Senior Parents’ Weekend. The Senior Class Committee has extended the invitation to parents of seniors to “take part in some of the events that they have enjoyed during their years at Georgetown.” The primary event, however, appears to be parting with a large sum of money in exchange for inclusion in the weekend’s activities.


What a difference a year makes

One year ago, I was in a very different place. One year ago, I was nearly dead. One year ago, I was in the hospital trying to keep myself alive.... Read more


The irony of beer

Beer is one of the most ugly things I’ve ever seen. It’s yellow and foamy, and it reminds me of a polluted waterfall as it pours over the edge of... Read more


Animal house

The scum-sucker is staring at me. He’s hovering underneath the fake pink and green sea foliage, gills furiously slapping against his body, top fin arched high over his beady little... Read more


The cost of U.S. policy in Iraq

The United States’ policy towards Iraq has been without a sane “helmsman” for the past 20 years. The United States actively supported Saddam Hussein even while he committed human rights... Read more


Pop goes the weasel

Bush’s transformation of his faith-based social service initiative from campaign promise to reality is far from a political jack-in-the-box. It is not surprising that the man who nominated John Ashcroft?who engendered charitable choice with the 1996 Welfare Reform Act?would maintain his commitment to funneling federal dollars to religious organizations. Simply because Bush’s plan should not shock Americans does not mean, however, that it should not frighten them.


Service with a smirk

A bureaucratic miscommunication, a confusing ballot and now, a vote under a cloud. Sure, that is a typical November in Palm Beach County, but unless questions are answered about last Friday’s student activities funding referendum, it could also describe a February in Georgetown. What went wrong? Who is to blame? What should this mean to the fate of a proposal slated to go before the Board of the Directors in less than a month?


Take me home tonight

Last week a Georgetown student was robbed at gunpoint just three blocks off-campus at 9:30 p.m. While this is an extremely alarming crime, it also brings into question what steps the University is taking to protect students’ safety, especially in regard to the SafeRides service.


God I hated growing up

Over winter break, I had a discussion with a guy I had started seeing, Mike, about whether or not it was a wise idea to raise children with religion. My... Read more


The whole world in your backyard

I came to Georgetown for the diversity. The place sounded great, the number of international students was impressive and the options for study abroad were numerous. Coming from a relatively... Read more


Imperfect, yet perfect: poetry

“And it was at that age … Poetry arrived in search of me. I don’t know, I don’t know where it came from, from winter or a river. I don’t... Read more


Free my addiction

Hi, my name is Rachel, and I am an addict. I guess it all started years ago when my family purchased a computer featuring something new, something exciting, something revolutionary... Read more


Act locally (vote!)

We urge the student body to show their strong support for the student activities funding referendum that will be voted on this Friday. One of the glaring weaknesses of Georgetown... Read more


Think globally

The findings issued by a panel of 150 scientists from 99 nations at a U.N. conference on global warming in Shanghai last week should strike fear into the heart of... Read more


A smart, wealthy Swede from Silicon Valley

From a biological standpoint, interracial marriages actually strengthen the human gene pool. Anthropologically speaking, interracial dating is a process of acculturation: adapting to another person’s cultural values while retaining your... Read more


Shake your money maker for a good cause

“We can act if we want to; if we don’t nobody will.” – Men Without Hats, “Safety Dance” This moment is about Hoya-Thon, Georgetown’s Dance Marathon benefiting Children’s Hospital through... Read more


Owner of a lonely heart

After the last time I wrote, one of my professors described my article as having one of the “eternal themes of youth.” My friends give me a hard time because... Read more


Privacy, please

Thanks to Georgetown … I have a brand new credit card from MBNA. It looks pretty nice; it has a picture of Georgetown, the Visa logo and most of my... Read more


Politics of unity

In Saturday’s inaugural address, George W. Bush promised to work to build a single nation of justice and opportunity. The stated reason that this goal was attainable was not Bush’s... Read more


Not a black-and-white issue

Questions regarding racial politics have plagued Mayor Anthony Williams since the day he entered office, and he continues to face the question the Washington Post asked at the beginning of... Read more