
Voices is the Op-Ed and personal essay section of The Georgetown Voice. It features the real narratives of diverse students from nearly every corner on campus, seeking to tell some of the incredibly important and yet oft-unheard stories that affect life in and out of Georgetown.


Losing the race

Is there diversity in American sports?


An insider’s guide to GUSA

One year ago I took the oath of office as the 22nd GUSA president. One year later, I am in a good position to reflect on the past year with a sense of detachment and provide some analysis, criticism and conclusions.


Wising up to the monopoly

Wisemiller’s Deli monopolizes the food market in its neck of the woods.


Pieces of my New Orleans

Carrying On – a rotating column by voice senior staffers


Islam and the West: a dogmatic divide

Carrying On – a rotating column by voice senior staffers


I got the power

Here’s my dirty little secret – I am a political blogger.


Art for my sake

I have artistic pretensions. These highbrow-sounding things are actually not all that hard to acquire.


V is for vaginas

This is the sixth year that The Vagina Monologues have been performed on campus and they should continue until the violence stops, no matter how many polemics against it are circulated through the dorms by The Georgetown Academy.


It’s not all about the Benjamins

Why the MSB has a place at Georgetown


The third roommate

As I sit here writing, there’s someone singing Broadway musicals into my ear.


Good genes, bad luck

Carrying On – a rotating column by voice senior staffers


[Letters to the Editor]

Political bias on this campus has little to do with grades; rather, it has to do with a general environment that is receptive to liberal thought and shuns anything else as ‘religious,’ ‘fascist,’ ‘sexist’ or the like.


Is the theater really dead?

Assessing the impact of the Program in Performing Arts


The postal servicing

Over the years, the family has seen Tom go through an array of women, each of whom has some hidden flaw. Recently, however, Tom announced that he had found a solution to this severe problem – a mail-order bride.


Learning from lingerie

The most privileged buttocks and breasts from the Upper East Side to Battery Park shopped at La Petite Coquette. There, in that most expensive and luxurious lingerie boutique, I found my first employment in the City.


Matchbreaker, matchbreaker

Carrying On – a rotating column by voice senior staffers


Taking the college out of Georgetown

A surreal prelude to study abroad


Escape: it’s not campy

As a current ESCAPE leader, I’ll admit we are aggressive, but I’m continuously reminded that there’s good reason for it.


Language of Arabia

The only people who take early classes are crazy or have jobs. An additional category of “those who hate themselves” can be added for early Arabic classes. During the course of my 15 months or so of Arabic instruction, I’ve fallen into all three categories.


Catalonia: politics at half-mast

Carrying On – a rotating column by voice senior staffers