
Voices is the Op-Ed and personal essay section of The Georgetown Voice. It features the real narratives of diverse students from nearly every corner on campus, seeking to tell some of the incredibly important and yet oft-unheard stories that affect life in and out of Georgetown.


Learning the moral of Morales

Why you should care about the Bolivian election


I like my music a little on the trashy side

In defense of country music


A summer evening in Brooklyn Heights

It was one of the hottest days I had witnessed in New York since my arrival, during the summer of 2005.


Saudiana: _Syriana_ as non-fiction

Carrying On – a rotating column by voice senior staffers


Señoras y señores pasajeros

The culture clash of commuting


Brace yourself for the real world

When I told my friend Marissa I had to go to the orthodontist, she laughed and replied, “I thought we grew out of that phase, like, 10 years ago.” For normal 21-year-olds, that may be true. I’m not so normal.


Inspiration for graduation

Tackling America’s teaching problem Carrying On – a rotating column by voice senior staffers


Deliver me from Durham

I expected a weekend of mechanical bull riding and Civil War reenactments, but I wasn’t prepared for the cab ride from hell.


Bringing home the bacon

“A smoke-filled casing flies over my shoulder as I pull back the bolt and jam another round into the chamber.” The perils of big game hunting.


Baby Got Book

Don’t try to dilute it by slipping some technological wizardry quietly past me—just give me the pure printed word straight up, please.


Deconstructing the Facebook

Is it a sign of social degeneration?


Braving the elements

Carrying On – a rotating column by voice senior staffers


Stopping the Prozac

Getting used to an emotional existence


Darwin in the District

If you have been to chicken finger Thursday at Leo’s, you’ve seen Darwinism in action.


Youthful misgivings

Thanks to the laziness of not wanting to change doctors, here I am about to enter a room where the average age of the patients is smaller than my shoe size.


Not fading away

Carrying On- a rotating column by voice senior staffers


If GUSA streaked, would it be hot?

Replacing student government with something more meaningful


A Grateful Gourmand

Carrying On – a rotating column by voice senior staffers


What do you drive?

We called it the Bulldozer. A 2000-pound gas-slurping, tar-squashing, gravel-flinging workhouse for 15 straight years. As long as no one stole the battery.


Letters to the Editor

To the Editor: Although disappointed by the inaccuracies in the editorial “Tending to the Flock,” I must in charity believe that they are not intentional. I applaud The Voice’s concern... Read more