
Voices is the Op-Ed and personal essay section of The Georgetown Voice. It features the real narratives of diverse students from nearly every corner on campus, seeking to tell some of the incredibly important and yet oft-unheard stories that affect life in and out of Georgetown.


Black and white and gray all over

I am an Italian-American student here at Georgetown. Yet according to the Georgetown application form I filled out, I am caucasian. Wait a second though?Italy is nowhere near the Caucus... Read more


A life. Requiem.

On Wednesday, Sept. 26, Ohio State University first-year soccer player Connor Senn collapsed during a game. He never got back up. Connor was my cousin. Connor is my cousin. Connor... Read more


Touching Turkey

I always wondered why I never had very many close male friends. I think I found the answer in Turkey. Culture is a funny thing. Sometimes you never notice an... Read more


Happy Thanksgiving, eh?

This Monday, when students and faculty all over campus awake and honor Columbus, who sailed across the ocean blue to discover the New World and infest it with smallpox, their... Read more


A Kenyan in the district

I was born, brought up and still live in Kenya. Kenya, if you don’t know, is a country just below the Horn of East Africa, as opposed to a small... Read more


Breaking down the Bush

Last Thursday evening you no doubt listened to President George W. Bush espouse what is now dubbed “The Bush Doctrine.” His words certainly served well to rally the American people... Read more


War is not the answer

There was a teach-in on Sept. 20 here at Georgetown titled “Islam, the United States and Terrorism.” I asked the panel why Muslims all over the world are being oppressed... Read more


The Rules of the Game

This semester I enrolled in a class called “Anthropology and Film.” While it is still a bit early to tell what the class is going to be about, so far... Read more


Notes from the Bitter Belt

I have absolutely no problem telling you, potentially psychopathic and murderous reader, exactly where I live. Well, no, not exactly. I’ll keep the exact house number to myself, because if... Read more


Real Americana

As I sat down for lunch in Darnall on Friday, my friend and I were talking about the week’s terrorist attacks and what they meant here at Georgetown. We couldn’t make sense of too much, and probably no one here is able to comment on the national situation without sounding trite and repetitive. “America unite!” seemed too easy a thought at that point last week.


Divided we’re called

I love America, although I don’t consider myself particularly patriotic. When I watched those planes crash into the World Trade Center, a thousand sickening feelings went through my body. However,... Read more


Calling home

I have difficulty defining “home” right now. Home to me means familiarity, security, a sense of belonging and the presence of those I love. Right now, those much-needed signs of... Read more


Dismayed new world

Twenty days ago I left for college to study international affairs at the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. One of my friends asked me if I was ready... Read more


Letters to the Editor

In response to Mark Lance’s “A cycle of violence, a plea for peace” [Sept. 13] I have heard Mark Lance’s criticisms of US policy before when I was a student... Read more


Postcards in the rain

The clock ticks twelve. Midnight. Another day ends. Simple. Inevitable. It passed, in many ways, as days have always?the sun rose, brightening the morning, and set in the evening, returning... Read more


A cycle of violence, a plea for peace

I hardly know where to begin. So many of you have been touched by this in one way or another. I found myself yesterday hardly able to put a coherent... Read more


Before and after

I heard someone yesterday on the radio say that there are moments that divide time into before and after. Today at Georgetown is day two of the after, our second... Read more


The “Freshman Fifteen”

Just over two weeks ago, somewhere in between those amber waves of grain and the purple mountain’s majesty, I sat anxiously in the passenger seat of my father’s FourRunner, eagerly... Read more


Mohsin’s Sunscreen Song

The start of senior year is a hackneyed topic, so I’m going to avoid it. Besides, everyone’s got something to say about it. It’s old. First-years were annoying for the... Read more


Sprawl attacks American life

Georgetown has something that most of the rest of the country lacks. There is something we love about this campus and D.C. that drew us all here. It’s a wonderfully... Read more